god its been 4 days now i've had off and i'm fucking bored as hell. Plus my damn finger is cut and stings more cause i just got lemon juice on it.
Hows everyones holiday been? I love Chistmas time, except for all the damned traffic it creates, and the jackasses that seem to come out of the wood work during this time. We need fucking snow, its all i wqant right now, just some nice white fluffy snow.
Oh yeah whats going on for new years?
Hows everyones holiday been? I love Chistmas time, except for all the damned traffic it creates, and the jackasses that seem to come out of the wood work during this time. We need fucking snow, its all i wqant right now, just some nice white fluffy snow.
Oh yeah whats going on for new years?
I'm not working right now. But I start college in Jan. soo yea
poker eh? I would take all the money..shiizzzzzz