I'm happy and yet still at the same time i'm just like um yeah. Hard to explain how exactly i'm feeling.. well for one pissed cause once again i can't freaking sleep and can't get myself another job to save my life. I'm going to try and apply for a Park Ranger job, but i need to pull 70 bucks just about out of my ass and i still owe someone 150 right now. Oh and the fuckers around this house.. they cant pick shit up.. its pissing me off really bad.
I know other people work here too, but god damnit why should i be the only one picking up, doing the dishwasher, cleaning the kitchen, picking up the living room. Just because i've always done the dishwasher, well most the time doesnt mean i lvoe doing and if some else does it that i'm going to flip out and stab out thier eyes with a fork.
Bastards.. and like they say in the song Love is just a BloodSport.. that makes it sound so cool.. makes me want more love.
I know other people work here too, but god damnit why should i be the only one picking up, doing the dishwasher, cleaning the kitchen, picking up the living room. Just because i've always done the dishwasher, well most the time doesnt mean i lvoe doing and if some else does it that i'm going to flip out and stab out thier eyes with a fork.
Bastards.. and like they say in the song Love is just a BloodSport.. that makes it sound so cool.. makes me want more love.
Piss them off by cleaning the house while listening to "here comes the reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult in constant loop.
Point at them and give them crazy eyes as they walk by.
Make them think you lost it!