Worse month of my fucking life.
1) Cut my hand open, severing the tendon to my ring finger.
2) Rear ended some guy's Volvo on the middle of the Bay Bridge.
3) Locked my keys in my truck THREE times. Third time with the lights still on.
4) Missed all my midterms because I was getting surgery. Have to make them up.
5) Oh and I'm broke because a company I did a job for has yet to pay me.
23 is starting off fucking swell.
1) Cut my hand open, severing the tendon to my ring finger.
2) Rear ended some guy's Volvo on the middle of the Bay Bridge.
3) Locked my keys in my truck THREE times. Third time with the lights still on.
4) Missed all my midterms because I was getting surgery. Have to make them up.
5) Oh and I'm broke because a company I did a job for has yet to pay me.
23 is starting off fucking swell.