Hey there,

Well now I'm offically back into the swing of things and routine is starting to take place. Been back 2 weeks already and its time for a change! I think thats why I love travelling so much... change of scenery every so often does wonders! Also had my 1st baseball game of the season yesterday... we got slaughtered.. 15-7.... and I took a...
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WOW... Its great to be home!
After 20 hours in a plane, and another 5 hours spent at airports, I am so happy to be back in Australia, and sitting in front of my own computer!
Although my sleep patterns are now officially wired, being able to sleep in my own bed is almost better than sex... almost...... I said!...

Just updating some of my info... Its a little hard at the moment, i'm travelling around and have found myself in Halifax, Canada, for a couple of weeks. I'll be back home in Australia soon so I'll add more then!

Thanks and keep up the good work SG!
