Hi Everyone,
As I don't know many people on here, you probably wouldn't know that my girlfriend is a type 1 diabetic. We are participating in the 2006 Walk to Cure Diabetes as the Miotto Family Team, to help raise money for type 1 diabetes research.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that has nothing to do with diet or lifestyle. Around 140,000 Australian...
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As I don't know many people on here, you probably wouldn't know that my girlfriend is a type 1 diabetic. We are participating in the 2006 Walk to Cure Diabetes as the Miotto Family Team, to help raise money for type 1 diabetes research.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that has nothing to do with diet or lifestyle. Around 140,000 Australian...
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Hi guys,
so again its been a couple of months since my last post. Been flat out with uni assignments and work. Only have 1 more week of uni left before exams and then I've got 2 months holiday... if you can call it a holiday, i still have to go to work. I do get to go away for a week for the northern...
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so again its been a couple of months since my last post. Been flat out with uni assignments and work. Only have 1 more week of uni left before exams and then I've got 2 months holiday... if you can call it a holiday, i still have to go to work. I do get to go away for a week for the northern...
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so i'm still around....
just been flat out....
work is full time....
started uni which is full time...
broke as a.... well just plain broke....
arh..... thank god there's always SG!!
just been flat out....
work is full time....
started uni which is full time...
broke as a.... well just plain broke....
arh..... thank god there's always SG!!
A brissy boy!
You're working and studying full time?
You're working and studying full time?
I might be moving to Brissy...whats it like over there??
wow.. long time no update!!
so I had a bit of a scare recently... a sun spot on my neck developed a lump underneath it. we quickly had it removed and everything came back fine. the lump turned out to be a ruptured hair folacle... amazing... so now i have another scar on my neck about an inch and a half long...
work is boring......
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so I had a bit of a scare recently... a sun spot on my neck developed a lump underneath it. we quickly had it removed and everything came back fine. the lump turned out to be a ruptured hair folacle... amazing... so now i have another scar on my neck about an inch and a half long...
work is boring......
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shit mate it is finaly good to hear from you again, I though we had lost you. Glad to hear your sun spot wasn't a drama mate.
hey are you coming to the hookup on Sat the 4th of June, see here for details.
Be good to see you there mate.
hey are you coming to the hookup on Sat the 4th of June, see here for details.
Be good to see you there mate.
i had a mole cut out of my back and it left a bitch of a scar. skin cancer is definitely a downside of livin in the sunshine state or i am i thinkin of florida?
Hey there crew...
So the new year is now into full swing and everything is going pretty well. I'm in the process of saving for my 3rd summer camp trip to the US in May, so I can't wait to get back over there. My girlfriend now has a job and has been accepted into uni here so I'll definately be able to save a...
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So the new year is now into full swing and everything is going pretty well. I'm in the process of saving for my 3rd summer camp trip to the US in May, so I can't wait to get back over there. My girlfriend now has a job and has been accepted into uni here so I'll definately be able to save a...
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hey mate we are having another hookup on the 27th of Feb thanks to rocketeerbring a plate and a mate and I'll see you there for yet another fun one.
So I'm sitting here at work... pondering what to do... so I decided to write in my journal.
There's 5 days till Christmas, 11 days till New Years, 14 days till my Birthday, 16 days until I have been going out with my girlfriend for a month, and 19 days until my girlfriend is 20.. so.. this next 20 days is going to be insanely...
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There's 5 days till Christmas, 11 days till New Years, 14 days till my Birthday, 16 days until I have been going out with my girlfriend for a month, and 19 days until my girlfriend is 20.. so.. this next 20 days is going to be insanely...
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Happy happy day to you!
hey, long time no post...
so anyway, things here have been pretty crazy! Work, baseball and guess what.... looks like i've found myself a girl..
yeah i know... shock, horror... haha... but anyway... i like her heaps and she's fantabulous! smart... super sexy... and a californian accent to die for!! Its early days yet... but it looks promising... which is a change for me...
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so anyway, things here have been pretty crazy! Work, baseball and guess what.... looks like i've found myself a girl..

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cool to here from you again mate, hope you can make it to the Brissy Chrissy hookup be cool to catch up. Bring the new girl along and show her off haha even if it is to a bunch of SG freaks haha
Congratulations from Australa to the Boston Red Sox for winng the World Series.
So glad I stayed home from work to watch game 4 and see history in the making, and it makes those 5 games i saw earlier in the year at Fenway Park all the more meaniful.
Congratulations from Australa to the Boston Red Sox for winng the World Series.
So glad I stayed home from work to watch game 4 and see history in the making, and it makes those 5 games i saw earlier in the year at Fenway Park all the more meaniful.
Strange, ....for days over here (Canada) all you heard about was the fact that the Bosox finally defeated the curse..........and yet back home, unless you went looking for it, it was almost impossible to just "find".....so i'm told anyway.......where in Brissy you at?
What about the Patriots, they are on fire this year so far
G'day all,
I just have to say, a HUGE congratulations to the Boston Red Sox for beating the New York Yankees and making to the World Series. Us here in Oz often support the underdog and I am myself a big Red Sox fan, so once again, congrats!
Now that I have that off my chest, how is everyone?? I'm going great guns now, and...
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I just have to say, a HUGE congratulations to the Boston Red Sox for beating the New York Yankees and making to the World Series. Us here in Oz often support the underdog and I am myself a big Red Sox fan, so once again, congrats!
Now that I have that off my chest, how is everyone?? I'm going great guns now, and...
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welcome to the lovely haven of SG
always good to see more ausssssssssssssssssssies.

Hey all,
So another week has passed and not much has happened in my world except work... but thats to be expected! Had baseball again on the weekend and we won.. finally... 10-9... thanks mostly to yours truly... but you don't need to know about that...
Saw my cousins band again on the the weekend... 1st time since i've been back from the states... played...
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So another week has passed and not much has happened in my world except work... but thats to be expected! Had baseball again on the weekend and we won.. finally... 10-9... thanks mostly to yours truly... but you don't need to know about that...
Saw my cousins band again on the the weekend... 1st time since i've been back from the states... played...
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Yeehaw! To country folk. Hey! I'm in your faves. Thankies.