I GOT A JOB TODAY!!!!!!!!!

i now am employed at A&W rootbeer in yucaipa!! i start tomorrow at 11 am!! i love rootbeer, but i think that if i drink to much of it i'll

have you ever noticed how sexual a piercing is? its like going deep into the tightest hole. prying apart the skin in that specific spot, making it hurt and sometimes blood comes. its like losing your virginity all over again.
only maybe it a little different than virginity, because the beautiful instroment used to impale stays, taking up residence in its new home inside the skin.
at least until you change the barbell

another thing about this new job is the wonderful fact that i may now continue the work i started. filling my body with more holes. yay! i get to get more piercings!!
still to shy to talk to girls. anyone have any advice?

I need to go get pierced again.