i know i'm terrible at updating but i really don't have that much going on.
i also don't have use of the internet on my laptop while i'm in adelaide either so i tend not to surf the net so much.
i've been to lots of movies again. (thanks mr movies for taking me and tom to lots of movie premieres! :kiss
we saw the diving bell and the butterfly which is a true story and so damn good! i totally recommend watching it. here's the trailer.
we also saw the jane austin book club - which as chick flick as it sounds was actually really good. (and no you don't need to have read any jane austin to understand it altho the characters in the movie are loosely based on the characters in jane austins books.)
here's the trailer.
the following week we saw there will be blood. i was a bit unsure going in cause i wasn't sure if it was really my kind of movie and i knew it was really really long! but it was actually really good and i din't look at my watch once. i am a fan of director paul thomas andersons work tho. (he also directed magnolia - one of my fav films.) daniel day lewis is awesome and i loved his character.
here's the trailer.
and last week we saw 27 dresses. it was a nice movie but i was a little disappointed with it. (i was really excited about seeing it cause i love katherine heigl so i probaly hyped it up and dissapointed myself. i hate it when that happens!)
there is an awesome scene where she tries on all 27 dresses and it's worth it just for that.
she's so gorgeous and funny.
here's the trailer.
we went to this cool as old theater which i took lots of photos of...

i really want to see juno next and we still haven't managed to go see cloverfield but will prob go next weekend.
in other news...i finally found a job!
it's something different and it pays absurdly well so it will be a great way ot save money to move back to melbs and i will be able to buy myself pretty things.
i like pretty things.
i am flying to melbourne tomorrow for a week of training. i am staying in a really nice hotel in the centre of the city and i have a food allowance and everything! i should be able to find much mischief while i am there
i will miss being away from tom tho
but it will just make coming home more fun!
i will take lots of photos and will upload them when i get back!
so you think you can dance is starting on tv tonight and i am uber excited. i will put on a cute outfit and shake my booty all over the place. (toms parents have gone away and we've had underpants weekend
it's been awesome!)
i want to start taking dance classes now that i have a job and don't have to worry about money as much.
i've been drawing a lot lately and have become obsessed with coloured pencils.
i will have to scan some of my drawings and upload those too.
tom got his tattoo retouched the other day and it made me want a new one so so so badly!
i have to be careful with my new job tho...pooh!
i really miss having a sewing machine.
i'm really glad britney is finally get the help and support she needs.
i still believe in you girl! ♥
i hope everyone is doing well.
see y'all in a week!
i also don't have use of the internet on my laptop while i'm in adelaide either so i tend not to surf the net so much.
i've been to lots of movies again. (thanks mr movies for taking me and tom to lots of movie premieres! :kiss

we saw the diving bell and the butterfly which is a true story and so damn good! i totally recommend watching it. here's the trailer.
we also saw the jane austin book club - which as chick flick as it sounds was actually really good. (and no you don't need to have read any jane austin to understand it altho the characters in the movie are loosely based on the characters in jane austins books.)
here's the trailer.
the following week we saw there will be blood. i was a bit unsure going in cause i wasn't sure if it was really my kind of movie and i knew it was really really long! but it was actually really good and i din't look at my watch once. i am a fan of director paul thomas andersons work tho. (he also directed magnolia - one of my fav films.) daniel day lewis is awesome and i loved his character.
here's the trailer.
and last week we saw 27 dresses. it was a nice movie but i was a little disappointed with it. (i was really excited about seeing it cause i love katherine heigl so i probaly hyped it up and dissapointed myself. i hate it when that happens!)
there is an awesome scene where she tries on all 27 dresses and it's worth it just for that.
she's so gorgeous and funny.
here's the trailer.
we went to this cool as old theater which i took lots of photos of...

i really want to see juno next and we still haven't managed to go see cloverfield but will prob go next weekend.
in other news...i finally found a job!
it's something different and it pays absurdly well so it will be a great way ot save money to move back to melbs and i will be able to buy myself pretty things.
i like pretty things.

i am flying to melbourne tomorrow for a week of training. i am staying in a really nice hotel in the centre of the city and i have a food allowance and everything! i should be able to find much mischief while i am there

i will miss being away from tom tho

i will take lots of photos and will upload them when i get back!
so you think you can dance is starting on tv tonight and i am uber excited. i will put on a cute outfit and shake my booty all over the place. (toms parents have gone away and we've had underpants weekend

i want to start taking dance classes now that i have a job and don't have to worry about money as much.
i've been drawing a lot lately and have become obsessed with coloured pencils.
i will have to scan some of my drawings and upload those too.
tom got his tattoo retouched the other day and it made me want a new one so so so badly!
i have to be careful with my new job tho...pooh!
i really miss having a sewing machine.
i'm really glad britney is finally get the help and support she needs.
i still believe in you girl! ♥
i hope everyone is doing well.

see y'all in a week!
email------ westgavin@gmail.com
aim------ xxgavinwestxx