hey SG land.
sorry i'm still being terrible at updating. it's just that not much has happenned lately.
i'm waiting to hear about two jobs at the moment. one at a clothing store and one at the local DVD store.
(atlantic DVD is the size of a supermarket! it's so cool!)
tom had his graduating exhibition a few weeks ago which was awesome. we got to get all dressed up.
here's a photo tom's mum took of us in the garden.

here is a photo of tom with his photographs.

and here is a photograph of all three of tom's works.

they are titled breakfast, lunch and dinner.
they are a statement of how we grow up viewing animals as happy living on farms and how they are portrayed in childrens stories but how in reality they are exploited and breed to for us to eat them.
the photographs are brightly coloured and appealing much like the drawings in childrens books but once you look closer you realise that there is a dark side to them.
it was so awesome to see tom's work hanging in a gallery. i think he's so talented. (and no i'm not just saying that cause i'm his girlfriend! there was a gallery owner there who was also very interested in tom's photographs too.)
the exhibition was fun. most of toms' family came. a lot of who i hadn't met before. and the ever lovely coralsea and her son came and david (mr movies - he's a movie reviewer) and his friend steven (he's a space cadet)
afterwards we all went to get mexican food. mmmmm *burp*
not much else has been happening...
tom's mum and dad and tom and i went for a night time drive up into the hills of adelaide to a lookout where we could see the city lights. there were signs saying there were bandicoots in the area which excited me greatly but i didn't see any
we sat and looked at the lights and drank the hot chocolate we had brought with us. adelaide is a lot flatter than i thought it was.
tom took some photos of the city with his camera and i took some photos of him standing on a building that looked like a lighthouse.

on our way home we took a detour to drive through a town called hahndorf.
it's one of the original german settlements and is still really historic looking. it is so cool. i totally wanna live there
tom and i want to go up and spend the weekend there at some stage.
another day tom's mum and tom and i went for a really long drive up north to have lunch with tom's sister sarah.
we packed a picnic and sat in the garden of a nearby vineyard.
it was an awesome drive and i got to see lots of the barossa valley and tom took lots of photos along the way that i can't wait to see! (he took them on old school film so we have to wait to get them developed)
it seems lately my entire life has revolved around movies.
a few weeks ago tom and i went to see deathproof - the second movie originally released as the double feature grindhouse in the US.
because grindhouse didn't 'rate' that well in the US the movie powers who be decided to split it in two for it's international release. the kind of sucky part about splitting the movies up was that the four 'fake' movie trailers (directed by robert rodriguez, eli roth, rob zombie and edgar wright) all got left out.
apparently in the US after planet terror had finished a lot of people left the theater and missed deathproof completely!
deathproof was awesome! it was kind of like two movies in one except kurt russells character continues on through the whole movie.
the coolest part is that the second half features zoe ball who is a new zealand stunt woman (she was uma thurmans stunt double in kill bill)
when tom and i got home we looked up the coming soon movies to see if there was a release date for planet terror - the first grindhouse movie.
there wasn't.
so we did what any normal person would do. we downloaded it
we also found the four trailers and downloaded those too. (the edgar wright trailer for 'don't' is well my favourite)
a friend of tom's david (mr movies) said it was rumoured that planet terror would go straight to DVD.
after we watched it i could kind of understand why.
it's a kind of zombie movie. bruce willis plays a military guy that has killed osala bin laden and tarentino plays a great evil guy with a classic one liner! and rose mcgowan plays an incredibly sexy, kick ass amputee.
rose also plays an extremely cute blonde girl in deathproof who meets a rather nasty fate.
another movie tom and i saw was across the universe.
tom's neighbour gave us a double pass and we didn't really know anything about it but it was free and we love movies so we went.
turns out it was one of the best movies i have seen in ages!!!
it's about a british guy - jude (very sexy actor jim sturgess) who works on a boat to get to america to find his dad who works at an ivy league school. it turns out his dad is the janitor but, still a lovely guy. jude is befriended by one of the ivy league school kids called max. they become good friends and jude goes home with max for thanksgiving and meets his sister - lucy - (evan rachel wood) and falls for her even tho she has a boyfriend who is away at war.
max announces to his family that he is dropping out of school and he and jude decide to go to NYC that night.
they find a cool apartment with sadie (a janis joplin tribute) jojo (a hendrix tribute) and prudence (she came in through the bathroom window)
when lucys boyfriend is killed at war she decided to go to NYC too.
now the great thing about the movie is that it is a musical all set to beatles music. (even tho the movie has nothing to do with the beatles) hence the characters names. jude - hey jude. max - maxwells silver hammer. lucy - lucy in the sky with diamonds. prudence - dear prudence. etc...
there are some awesome scenes which have the appearence of being on LSD. like the scene with bono (yes bono from U2) where they go on a trip on his magic bus and the scene where they go to mr kites circus and the scene where they sing to prudence after she locks herself in the closet.
two of my fav scenes are when jude is creating artwork to strawberry fields and the scene where max gets drafted and goes to the draft headquaters.
as a big musical and beatles fan i was in heaven watching this movie.
i can't wait to buy it when it is released on DVD and i want the soundtrack too. the coolest thing about the soundtrack is that the director - julie traymor - made them all sing live on set and not in the studio so it could be added later.
here is the trailer for the movie.
last weekend tom and i went ot see rob zombies halloween.
i have been dying to see this movie as halloween was the only movie that really REALLY scared me as a child.
i'm kind of 50/50 with rob's version. i liked the fact that it explained more clearly that laurie was michaels baby sister and i like all the scenes with him and dr loomis in the institution and his obsession with masks but i think the whole michael being from a white trash family is a bit cliche.
it seemed more disturbing to me that in the first film he came from a completely normal family.
the killing in zombies version - as you would expect - is a lot more brutal than the original but it wasn't as scary as i expected.
there were a couple of scenes that i thought were unnecessary and the actors who play laurie and her friends are a lot younger than the girls who originally played them so when they get naked it feels a little bit wrong.
i like that it wasn't hugely different from the original yet still surprised me and even made me jump once!
actually the coolest thing about it is the fact that there was a guy about two rows back (there was only about ten people in the theater) who looked so much like the original dr loomis! seriously! he was even dressed like him!
when i told david (mr movies) later on about this he informed me that the original dr loomis (donald pleasance) died about eleven years ago. i looked at david very seriously and said did he? hmmmmm
on saturday it was election day in australia. david was having a little get together at his new house so we went over all watched the election results unfold amongst witty conversation.
david is so one of my new favourite people. i love talking to him about movies. he always has extra interesting facts that i love to know too.
(like...one of my favourite horror movies slumber party massacre was actually written by a feminist and her lesbian friends to prove that they could write a slasher film just as good as any man. when you think about it, it makes sense. he torments the girls with his phallic drill until one of the few remaining girls gets her own phallic machete and cuts his phallic drill in half before impaling him on her phallic machete...hmmm...that's a lot of phallic...)
another thing i love about david is the way he talks and the exressions he makes. he should have his own TV show.
also at the party was film director j harkness.
j and tom were talking about tom doing the stills photography for j's upcoming movie which would be so awesome!
j asked tom if he knew anyone who could draw and tom pointed at me. i told j how i had studied animation and had done some work for warner bros. and disney and he asked me if i could do storyboards.
it would be such an amazing opportunity but i don't know if i'm up to storyboarding an entire movie by myself!
i know i probably could but part of me is terrified i couldn't.
when we went home that night, tom and i borrowed j's first movie 'shot of love' off david.
i am still missing my friends from home. i have no-one to get coffee and go shopping with.
erin and mez are too irreplacable. emails are okay but i miss just hanging out!
i spend most of my time with tom but when he is at school i just hang out by myself and read and write and draw and when he is at work at night i will watch TV with his mum or sit and read.
it will be better once i finally have a job cause i will have more money to do stuff and will probably meet more people too.
i've been reading stephen kings book 'on writing' lately. it's so interesting. he talks about the writing process while throwing in all sorts of fun stories about his own life.
i always wanted to be a horror writer when i was younger so i am finding it such an interesting read.
maybe i will write a horror novel afterall...or perhaps a horror movie script!
there is a new stephen king movie coming out called 1408.
i can't wait to see it and play who can spot stephen king first!
so yeah...i've watched a lot of movies lately.
i also have to say that i am still madly in love with my always gorgeous, funny, sexy tom.
i think i will love him forever and ever...and then some.
we're just so darn cute!

i hope everyone out there is happy and healthy and life is treating them well!
sorry i'm still being terrible at updating. it's just that not much has happenned lately.
i'm waiting to hear about two jobs at the moment. one at a clothing store and one at the local DVD store.
(atlantic DVD is the size of a supermarket! it's so cool!)
tom had his graduating exhibition a few weeks ago which was awesome. we got to get all dressed up.
here's a photo tom's mum took of us in the garden.

here is a photo of tom with his photographs.

and here is a photograph of all three of tom's works.

they are titled breakfast, lunch and dinner.
they are a statement of how we grow up viewing animals as happy living on farms and how they are portrayed in childrens stories but how in reality they are exploited and breed to for us to eat them.
the photographs are brightly coloured and appealing much like the drawings in childrens books but once you look closer you realise that there is a dark side to them.
it was so awesome to see tom's work hanging in a gallery. i think he's so talented. (and no i'm not just saying that cause i'm his girlfriend! there was a gallery owner there who was also very interested in tom's photographs too.)
the exhibition was fun. most of toms' family came. a lot of who i hadn't met before. and the ever lovely coralsea and her son came and david (mr movies - he's a movie reviewer) and his friend steven (he's a space cadet)
afterwards we all went to get mexican food. mmmmm *burp*
not much else has been happening...
tom's mum and dad and tom and i went for a night time drive up into the hills of adelaide to a lookout where we could see the city lights. there were signs saying there were bandicoots in the area which excited me greatly but i didn't see any

we sat and looked at the lights and drank the hot chocolate we had brought with us. adelaide is a lot flatter than i thought it was.
tom took some photos of the city with his camera and i took some photos of him standing on a building that looked like a lighthouse.

on our way home we took a detour to drive through a town called hahndorf.
it's one of the original german settlements and is still really historic looking. it is so cool. i totally wanna live there

tom and i want to go up and spend the weekend there at some stage.
another day tom's mum and tom and i went for a really long drive up north to have lunch with tom's sister sarah.
we packed a picnic and sat in the garden of a nearby vineyard.
it was an awesome drive and i got to see lots of the barossa valley and tom took lots of photos along the way that i can't wait to see! (he took them on old school film so we have to wait to get them developed)
it seems lately my entire life has revolved around movies.
a few weeks ago tom and i went to see deathproof - the second movie originally released as the double feature grindhouse in the US.
because grindhouse didn't 'rate' that well in the US the movie powers who be decided to split it in two for it's international release. the kind of sucky part about splitting the movies up was that the four 'fake' movie trailers (directed by robert rodriguez, eli roth, rob zombie and edgar wright) all got left out.
apparently in the US after planet terror had finished a lot of people left the theater and missed deathproof completely!
deathproof was awesome! it was kind of like two movies in one except kurt russells character continues on through the whole movie.
the coolest part is that the second half features zoe ball who is a new zealand stunt woman (she was uma thurmans stunt double in kill bill)
when tom and i got home we looked up the coming soon movies to see if there was a release date for planet terror - the first grindhouse movie.
there wasn't.
so we did what any normal person would do. we downloaded it

we also found the four trailers and downloaded those too. (the edgar wright trailer for 'don't' is well my favourite)
a friend of tom's david (mr movies) said it was rumoured that planet terror would go straight to DVD.
after we watched it i could kind of understand why.
it's a kind of zombie movie. bruce willis plays a military guy that has killed osala bin laden and tarentino plays a great evil guy with a classic one liner! and rose mcgowan plays an incredibly sexy, kick ass amputee.
rose also plays an extremely cute blonde girl in deathproof who meets a rather nasty fate.
another movie tom and i saw was across the universe.
tom's neighbour gave us a double pass and we didn't really know anything about it but it was free and we love movies so we went.
turns out it was one of the best movies i have seen in ages!!!
it's about a british guy - jude (very sexy actor jim sturgess) who works on a boat to get to america to find his dad who works at an ivy league school. it turns out his dad is the janitor but, still a lovely guy. jude is befriended by one of the ivy league school kids called max. they become good friends and jude goes home with max for thanksgiving and meets his sister - lucy - (evan rachel wood) and falls for her even tho she has a boyfriend who is away at war.
max announces to his family that he is dropping out of school and he and jude decide to go to NYC that night.
they find a cool apartment with sadie (a janis joplin tribute) jojo (a hendrix tribute) and prudence (she came in through the bathroom window)
when lucys boyfriend is killed at war she decided to go to NYC too.
now the great thing about the movie is that it is a musical all set to beatles music. (even tho the movie has nothing to do with the beatles) hence the characters names. jude - hey jude. max - maxwells silver hammer. lucy - lucy in the sky with diamonds. prudence - dear prudence. etc...
there are some awesome scenes which have the appearence of being on LSD. like the scene with bono (yes bono from U2) where they go on a trip on his magic bus and the scene where they go to mr kites circus and the scene where they sing to prudence after she locks herself in the closet.
two of my fav scenes are when jude is creating artwork to strawberry fields and the scene where max gets drafted and goes to the draft headquaters.
as a big musical and beatles fan i was in heaven watching this movie.
i can't wait to buy it when it is released on DVD and i want the soundtrack too. the coolest thing about the soundtrack is that the director - julie traymor - made them all sing live on set and not in the studio so it could be added later.
here is the trailer for the movie.
last weekend tom and i went ot see rob zombies halloween.
i have been dying to see this movie as halloween was the only movie that really REALLY scared me as a child.
i'm kind of 50/50 with rob's version. i liked the fact that it explained more clearly that laurie was michaels baby sister and i like all the scenes with him and dr loomis in the institution and his obsession with masks but i think the whole michael being from a white trash family is a bit cliche.
it seemed more disturbing to me that in the first film he came from a completely normal family.
the killing in zombies version - as you would expect - is a lot more brutal than the original but it wasn't as scary as i expected.
there were a couple of scenes that i thought were unnecessary and the actors who play laurie and her friends are a lot younger than the girls who originally played them so when they get naked it feels a little bit wrong.
i like that it wasn't hugely different from the original yet still surprised me and even made me jump once!
actually the coolest thing about it is the fact that there was a guy about two rows back (there was only about ten people in the theater) who looked so much like the original dr loomis! seriously! he was even dressed like him!
when i told david (mr movies) later on about this he informed me that the original dr loomis (donald pleasance) died about eleven years ago. i looked at david very seriously and said did he? hmmmmm
on saturday it was election day in australia. david was having a little get together at his new house so we went over all watched the election results unfold amongst witty conversation.
david is so one of my new favourite people. i love talking to him about movies. he always has extra interesting facts that i love to know too.
(like...one of my favourite horror movies slumber party massacre was actually written by a feminist and her lesbian friends to prove that they could write a slasher film just as good as any man. when you think about it, it makes sense. he torments the girls with his phallic drill until one of the few remaining girls gets her own phallic machete and cuts his phallic drill in half before impaling him on her phallic machete...hmmm...that's a lot of phallic...)
another thing i love about david is the way he talks and the exressions he makes. he should have his own TV show.
also at the party was film director j harkness.
j and tom were talking about tom doing the stills photography for j's upcoming movie which would be so awesome!
j asked tom if he knew anyone who could draw and tom pointed at me. i told j how i had studied animation and had done some work for warner bros. and disney and he asked me if i could do storyboards.
it would be such an amazing opportunity but i don't know if i'm up to storyboarding an entire movie by myself!
i know i probably could but part of me is terrified i couldn't.
when we went home that night, tom and i borrowed j's first movie 'shot of love' off david.
i am still missing my friends from home. i have no-one to get coffee and go shopping with.
erin and mez are too irreplacable. emails are okay but i miss just hanging out!
i spend most of my time with tom but when he is at school i just hang out by myself and read and write and draw and when he is at work at night i will watch TV with his mum or sit and read.
it will be better once i finally have a job cause i will have more money to do stuff and will probably meet more people too.
i've been reading stephen kings book 'on writing' lately. it's so interesting. he talks about the writing process while throwing in all sorts of fun stories about his own life.
i always wanted to be a horror writer when i was younger so i am finding it such an interesting read.
maybe i will write a horror novel afterall...or perhaps a horror movie script!

there is a new stephen king movie coming out called 1408.
i can't wait to see it and play who can spot stephen king first!
so yeah...i've watched a lot of movies lately.
i also have to say that i am still madly in love with my always gorgeous, funny, sexy tom.
i think i will love him forever and ever...and then some.
we're just so darn cute!

i hope everyone out there is happy and healthy and life is treating them well!

And yaaay! People always think of me when Britney's around lol.
Any news on the jobs yet?
Your boys photos look really damn incredible