this weekend was the best weekend ever!
i hung out with PedroNZ on saturday. we went for a drive, had a skate, i learned that i'm completely crap when it comes to spraypainting stuff
and we took some awesome photographs that shall be posted shortly so keep an eye out
then we drunk a very delightful bottle of 2003 reserve merlot. so good! mmmmm how i love red wine!
on sunday morning i got up at five (yes five!) and PedroNZ and i went to a market to sell some stuff. it was damn cold and kinda slow but we made a couple of hundred bucks.
after that we hung out at my place for awhile and drunk beer and then went down to the cardrona (home of the unusually large pints of beer) and watched the rugby league with the boys.
it was great fun. we drunk lots of beer and got nice and raucous and our team won!
got home at around five and had an awesome nap then woke up and watched singles then went back to sleep.
nothing like being a bit drunk to help you sleep!
erin and i went shopping today and i bought a cute dress! it has the cutest pockets!
picture quality is kinda bad as it's just taken with my phone as my digital camera has appeared to taken permanent leave...
i also have my eyes closed. haha!
and here is a picture of me looking kind of shiny.
so was a busy but fun weekend.
i leave in less than three weeks now and it's making me think about a lot of stuff.
one thing in particular has bubbled to the surface and caught me off guard as i thought i had well buried it...
i'm quite confused now and not sure what to do...
actually i'm not confused. i know exactly what i want. it has all of a sudden become very clear to me.
what i'm confused about is how i go about getting it.
i hung out with PedroNZ on saturday. we went for a drive, had a skate, i learned that i'm completely crap when it comes to spraypainting stuff

then we drunk a very delightful bottle of 2003 reserve merlot. so good! mmmmm how i love red wine!
on sunday morning i got up at five (yes five!) and PedroNZ and i went to a market to sell some stuff. it was damn cold and kinda slow but we made a couple of hundred bucks.
after that we hung out at my place for awhile and drunk beer and then went down to the cardrona (home of the unusually large pints of beer) and watched the rugby league with the boys.
it was great fun. we drunk lots of beer and got nice and raucous and our team won!

got home at around five and had an awesome nap then woke up and watched singles then went back to sleep.
nothing like being a bit drunk to help you sleep!

erin and i went shopping today and i bought a cute dress! it has the cutest pockets!

picture quality is kinda bad as it's just taken with my phone as my digital camera has appeared to taken permanent leave...

i also have my eyes closed. haha!
and here is a picture of me looking kind of shiny.

so was a busy but fun weekend.
i leave in less than three weeks now and it's making me think about a lot of stuff.
one thing in particular has bubbled to the surface and caught me off guard as i thought i had well buried it...
i'm quite confused now and not sure what to do...
actually i'm not confused. i know exactly what i want. it has all of a sudden become very clear to me.
what i'm confused about is how i go about getting it.
now I'm confused...

You will figure it out, don't worry to much. Cute pictures, but the shananamoose is even better.