'Bout time I updated don't ya think?
Sorry for radio silence, but what with still no broadband at the moment, coupled with having been away from home for most of the past two weeks thanks to pearlbass, I really haven't been online much.
I decided that rather that spend all my time in a room on my own with a computer, I would instead go mobile for a while and work off a laptop in someone else's room. That way I still got work done, but had the added bonus of evenings spent with a loved one. Mmm, ahh, much better.
But now I'm back in my damp digs in Ireland, although the dampness is improving due to the weather here actually getting milder!! Believe it or not I spent the day today working with my windows open (shock horror!)!!
I should be off to France in a week or two to mix an album at Black Box studios, which will be nice, but unfortunately I'm on the night shift - with Karl and David Oldlum taking the days for their tracks for the same album. Ah well, beggars can't be choosers, etc.
Just can't wait to get my current projects finished, want to get away and move back to the UK. Gotta earn some money and get steady again. This impoverished lifestyle might just finally be getting to me...
Oh yeah, watched "Irreversible" starring Vincent Cassell the other day. Heh, the next time someone mentions "Memento" I think I'll say, crocodile dundee style, "That's not a movie - (taking out "Irreversible") THAT's a movie!".
Love 'n' light, as Spike would say.
Sorry for radio silence, but what with still no broadband at the moment, coupled with having been away from home for most of the past two weeks thanks to pearlbass, I really haven't been online much.
I decided that rather that spend all my time in a room on my own with a computer, I would instead go mobile for a while and work off a laptop in someone else's room. That way I still got work done, but had the added bonus of evenings spent with a loved one. Mmm, ahh, much better.
But now I'm back in my damp digs in Ireland, although the dampness is improving due to the weather here actually getting milder!! Believe it or not I spent the day today working with my windows open (shock horror!)!!

I should be off to France in a week or two to mix an album at Black Box studios, which will be nice, but unfortunately I'm on the night shift - with Karl and David Oldlum taking the days for their tracks for the same album. Ah well, beggars can't be choosers, etc.
Just can't wait to get my current projects finished, want to get away and move back to the UK. Gotta earn some money and get steady again. This impoverished lifestyle might just finally be getting to me...
Oh yeah, watched "Irreversible" starring Vincent Cassell the other day. Heh, the next time someone mentions "Memento" I think I'll say, crocodile dundee style, "That's not a movie - (taking out "Irreversible") THAT's a movie!".
Love 'n' light, as Spike would say.


Street meat is our affectionate term for barbeque food, especially the kind found on London street corners. See also piss covered, rat knawed hot dogs.