Vagando per il sito ho visto dei set molto pi belli del mio non ancora accettati, per la precisione dei set spettacolari...
ora mi stavo domandando ma qual il criterio per l'accettazione, perch alcuni hanno percentuali alte e tantissimi commenti... sto perdendo le speranze!
Wandering around the site of the sets I've seen much more beautiful than my not yet accepted... these are sets spectacular ... : D
but now I was wondering what is the criterion for acceptance, because some have high rates and lots of comments ... I'm losing hope!

ora mi stavo domandando ma qual il criterio per l'accettazione, perch alcuni hanno percentuali alte e tantissimi commenti... sto perdendo le speranze!
Wandering around the site of the sets I've seen much more beautiful than my not yet accepted... these are sets spectacular ... : D
but now I was wondering what is the criterion for acceptance, because some have high rates and lots of comments ... I'm losing hope!
I dont know, i'v seen great sets that just get ignored, I hope yours doesn't

It is a great mystery to all how sets are chosen. Reading this or looking through various threads here might help some. I would not lose hope though. It is very rare that a set be purchased so soon after it comes out.