Well I haven't been on here in quire a while. Life has just been way too hectic. hmmm....where to start. I've made the transition to living in Austin, Tx...sort of. It's been pretty hard to make friends besides my boyfriend's friends. I started hair school in Feb. Thought I was going to love it....but idk. I tend to glamorize things in my mind and I...
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*sigh* I feel the exact same way. I did the same when I was in cosmo school. Lost all my passion for it. Don't know what I want to do now. I feel stuck. I don't know what to tell you either. 

I'm officially an idiot. I have the most amazing guy who I am so so in love with. But I always end up being a bitch to him, everything he does I bitch about or get snippy with him. Then last night we went out and I turned into the drunk "i'm going to yell at my boyfriend in front of everybody". So we broke...
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Been a while, how are things going?!?!
Happy Birthday!
I so love labradors! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
I am so excited!!! My guy is picking up his puppy on Sunday!!!! It's a yellow lab but is mixed with some undetermined breed. He is the cutest!!! I am soooo excited. Of course it's his dog BUT I'm the momma!!!!!! I will post pictures soon!!!
AND I think I've decided on the piece for my right upper arm. I'm thinking of a pocket watch...
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AND I think I've decided on the piece for my right upper arm. I'm thinking of a pocket watch...
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Update time!!!!!! So I've officially moved to Austin, Tx!!! The moving part was not fun at all but I had my guy there with me to help. We stopped down in Oklahoma City to see his Aunt/Uncle/Cousin and to just break the drive up so that was nice, PLUS I got to win over more of his family
I'll be honest. It's a bit weird...
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I'll be honest. It's a bit weird...
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Welcome to Austin. I'll let you in on a little secret: It gets hot as hell here. Other than that, it's awesome.
Yeah I am already dreading the heat. Especially since it's Jan and was 70 degrees today!!! oh my!!!
So I'm on the hunt for the perfect vinyl record player.....My boyfriend has been wanting one for quite a long time AND xmas is coming up AND I will get to play my vinyls on it too
A lot of the new ones I've looked at online are made to have the old school look to them and they can do about a million and...
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Oh damn! Don't let it be awkward. It's a gift and you know he will love it.
Outta curiosity, what brand and model did you buy? My mom has vinyls that she'd probably love to listen to again. Also, how'd the move go? I haven't caught up with you in a while.
So for the past year and a half I have been the foster mother to my sister's red tail boa constrictor, Batina. She has been the sweetest snake every and let me tell you have been one paranoid foster momma. Anytime something seems wrong I call my sister or go to the local pet store (a locally owned place that my sister used to work...
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Sorry to hear about the snake, i had a similar thing happen. my mom was taking care of my great dane while i was stationed in germany and when i got home she was 50 pounds less than when i left her. come to find out she had cancer and there was nothing my mom could have done for her. she was my baby and it hurt but i didnt and couldnt be mad at my mom. bad things happen sometimes and as long as you know you did what you could you should feels bad. I had to have hannah put down due to her condition getting worst and not wanting her to suffer but she lived to be 13 years old, she was loved and thats all that mattered. In the service you know that things can happen while you are gone and its something you learn to live with and hope they dont. you did what you could and thats all that matters. again sorry to hear it.
omg , i am so sorry, i know how that feels and it feels horrible, and im sure your sister doesnt blame you, you loved and took care of it for her the best you could and im sure you were the best fill in mommy for the snake. Bad things just happen all the time but every thing happens for a reason and im sure that theres a light at the end of the tunnel for you and your sister. and id just like to mention that your are unbelievably gorgeous! and dont ever forget that!
Okay everybody, I am fine. I just had a really bad day yesterday and way too much wine. I'm really going to try to only drink beer from now on, and only a couple at a time. As for the whole cutting thing, I am pretty disappointed in myself. I'm meeting my boyfriend's parents next month and I am going to have to be careful...
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^me too!
i fucked up....i haven't cut in so damn long....it's not all that bad or deep but it's on my arm...so now i have to worry about covering it. i'm more mad at myself than anything.
Superglue it shut you wouldn't believe how many cuts i Have made "go away"

I agree with Oracle; we all have weak moments. Now you can move forward to a better place where you won't have the urge to cut.
this is just a dumb shitty day. my boyfriend, who just got out of spending 50 days in jail for 2 dui's and a missed court date, started his day with drinking. Mind you one of his good friends is moving so they were following up the goodbye party the night before but still. Really, shots at 1030 am? Then of course they kept drinking...
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sounds like a real champ.
Thanks both of you
I'm sure me drinking wine right now isn't such a great idea, but I'm drinking very slowly! I've been invited to hang out with some of my sister's friends but I have no desire to be around people. I started trying to read some of my favorite books and couldn't even focus...I might try again in a bit. Harry Potter always seems to help me

So I know that I just posted a blog earlier today but I just got off of the phone with my boy...and I miss him. We've been doing the long distance thing for about 4 months now (he lives in Austin, I live in KC) and it sucks. I've made a few trips down there and we are making it work but I hate not...
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Long distance relationships can be hard...but if you can make it through the distance, then you can make it through anything. I hope he learns about drinking and driving soon.
Yeah I think spending some time in the ol slammer has made him realize that acting stupid gets you in trouble! Or at least I hope, I did tell him I'm not going through this again...cause long distance plus him being in jail.....it's really hard

Holy Shit I haven't been on here forever! I had actually contemplating rejoining for a while now then I realized I had an email from SG offering a cheap subscription so here I am!
Let's see what's new....well to start with I am moving to Austin, Texas in December!!! I have a great group of friends there and I cannot wait to live there!!! On...
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Let's see what's new....well to start with I am moving to Austin, Texas in December!!! I have a great group of friends there and I cannot wait to live there!!! On...
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