Here, fill this out... it's pretty junior high school but what the hell.
Reason for sg username:
Aim sn:
Reason for aim sn:
Do you enjoy reading my journal?:
Interesting fact about you:
Weird fact about you:
Will you post this in your journal?:
If you saw me out in the streets would you say hi?:
Here's one I filled out from someone else's journal
Age: Turned 28 last month and I still don't know when I got so old.
Reason for journal username: I spent about 5 seconds thinking this up and it sounded vaguely Tolkienesque (like that?) and depressing (i was depressed at the time)
Aim sn: RizIsAtWork
Reason for aim sn: Because I'm at fucking work and my boss wanted my name to be my REAL name and extension because he gets confused as to who is who so this was my way of compromising (sucker!)
Do you enjoy reading my journalj?: Yup
Why?: Because it's interesting (copout i know but it's true)
Interesting fact about you: I'm related to William Pitt the elder and younger, prime ministers of Britain, one during the revolutionary war (yah the enemy!) and I gots me some royal blood that puts me oh about 5000th in line for the throne or something like that.
Weird fact about you: I'm a straight lefty. Serious. We're rare. Also I can dislocate my thumbs.
Will you post this in your journal?: fine.
If you saw me out in the streets would you say hi?: yes but I'd feel like a dipshit for going, "Hi Rainsleeping, is that you???"
Reason for sg username:
Aim sn:
Reason for aim sn:
Do you enjoy reading my journal?:
Interesting fact about you:
Weird fact about you:
Will you post this in your journal?:
If you saw me out in the streets would you say hi?:
Here's one I filled out from someone else's journal
Age: Turned 28 last month and I still don't know when I got so old.
Reason for journal username: I spent about 5 seconds thinking this up and it sounded vaguely Tolkienesque (like that?) and depressing (i was depressed at the time)
Aim sn: RizIsAtWork
Reason for aim sn: Because I'm at fucking work and my boss wanted my name to be my REAL name and extension because he gets confused as to who is who so this was my way of compromising (sucker!)
Do you enjoy reading my journalj?: Yup
Why?: Because it's interesting (copout i know but it's true)
Interesting fact about you: I'm related to William Pitt the elder and younger, prime ministers of Britain, one during the revolutionary war (yah the enemy!) and I gots me some royal blood that puts me oh about 5000th in line for the throne or something like that.
Weird fact about you: I'm a straight lefty. Serious. We're rare. Also I can dislocate my thumbs.
Will you post this in your journal?: fine.
If you saw me out in the streets would you say hi?: yes but I'd feel like a dipshit for going, "Hi Rainsleeping, is that you???"