I just had one of those weekends where everything happened so quickly I don't know what happened and when.
So I came home after work on Friday and thought I was gonna do nothing this weekend because my friends ditched me to go to Vegas - wrong. They called me just when I got home and said I had 5 minutes to get ready, they were stuck in traffic by my house. Anyways we drove up there and arrived around 10pm and got a amazing suite at New York New York ( 1300 square feet suite with big ass jacuzzi). Anyways we knew people who were in Vegas at the time and it turned into a bit of a party with a dozen or so people there. Drink Drink go clubbing to Ra and some other club and go to sleep drunk at 5am.
Woke up around noon and it starts getting fuzzy. I know we gambled some (wiped out in an hour) and went to some club and stayed up till around 1pm. (notice a trend?) Woke up in the evening Sunday, ate and started drinking and watching the drugs flow and saw DJ Tiesto at the house of blues, then went to club rubber but ended up not going in because it was closing so we went to an afterhours clubs at the 51st floor of the Rio and saw DJ Sandra something just as the sun was coming up. Bought a $30 drink called the Witchdoctor which is basically a cauldron of fruity alcohol that bubbles and smokes. Er got 3 of those and shared them and got more drunk and danced and had a general good time until we left around 10am. The rest of Monday was a party at the hotel room as people who checked out needed a place to crash and came to our place and so I stayed up and napped a bit while I could and we left Vegas this morning at 3am and drove straight through to LA and I got dropped off at work about 15 minutes before I had to be there. I tried to take a damn shower at work but I have no soap or shampoo or towels grr.
So anyways you're probably sick of reading this, if you've even gotten this far so here I am tired as a bitch, dirty, starting to feel a hangover coming on and I have to be here till fucking 4:30. Bah.
Plus I'm worried about my pets because I'm not sure if they had enough food.
But I had a kick ass time for the most part except when I freaked out on the tram but I don't want to talk about that hehe. Time to zone out for the next 8 hours.
So I came home after work on Friday and thought I was gonna do nothing this weekend because my friends ditched me to go to Vegas - wrong. They called me just when I got home and said I had 5 minutes to get ready, they were stuck in traffic by my house. Anyways we drove up there and arrived around 10pm and got a amazing suite at New York New York ( 1300 square feet suite with big ass jacuzzi). Anyways we knew people who were in Vegas at the time and it turned into a bit of a party with a dozen or so people there. Drink Drink go clubbing to Ra and some other club and go to sleep drunk at 5am.
Woke up around noon and it starts getting fuzzy. I know we gambled some (wiped out in an hour) and went to some club and stayed up till around 1pm. (notice a trend?) Woke up in the evening Sunday, ate and started drinking and watching the drugs flow and saw DJ Tiesto at the house of blues, then went to club rubber but ended up not going in because it was closing so we went to an afterhours clubs at the 51st floor of the Rio and saw DJ Sandra something just as the sun was coming up. Bought a $30 drink called the Witchdoctor which is basically a cauldron of fruity alcohol that bubbles and smokes. Er got 3 of those and shared them and got more drunk and danced and had a general good time until we left around 10am. The rest of Monday was a party at the hotel room as people who checked out needed a place to crash and came to our place and so I stayed up and napped a bit while I could and we left Vegas this morning at 3am and drove straight through to LA and I got dropped off at work about 15 minutes before I had to be there. I tried to take a damn shower at work but I have no soap or shampoo or towels grr.
So anyways you're probably sick of reading this, if you've even gotten this far so here I am tired as a bitch, dirty, starting to feel a hangover coming on and I have to be here till fucking 4:30. Bah.
Plus I'm worried about my pets because I'm not sure if they had enough food.
But I had a kick ass time for the most part except when I freaked out on the tram but I don't want to talk about that hehe. Time to zone out for the next 8 hours.