Tomorrow night I have a show
Is a show about the couples....I'm in lesbian couple
the proofs
My girl/wife
and me.....
We are tomorrow night in v.Manzoni, Oratorio dei Filippini, at 9p.m.(Bologna, Italy) free entry, if you want or can came
Venitemi a prendere per il culo (Came and laugh at my self)
Is a show about the couples....I'm in lesbian couple
the proofs
My girl/wife
and me.....
We are tomorrow night in v.Manzoni, Oratorio dei Filippini, at 9p.m.(Bologna, Italy) free entry, if you want or can came
Venitemi a prendere per il culo (Came and laugh at my self)
TANTI TANTI TANTI ........................AUGURI ...........
take some pic
for me!!!