I tried to post this on Friday but for some reason it just wouldn't go through so trying this again! Also my car is all fixed up now :)
Wow I made it to 1,000+ followers yesterday! Thank you all so much and you have absolutely no idea how much I appreciate the support!
The last couple of weeks have been pretty shitty to be totally honest. When I got back from Maryland it turned out there were a lot more problems with my car than we originally thought. In Ohio we have to pass an emissions check every other year to be able to get the tags for our cars. Since my car is a 2001 I had to get my echeck done in 2013 in December when my birthday is. Well my check engine light was on and that's an automatic fail. I ended up pouring about $700+ into it to fix it. Luckily I have my fantastic boyfriend to help me out. When I went to take my car to get my tags it wouldn't start. The battery finally died. Luckily I'll be able to get that tomorrow.
So last week there was a rumor going around my work that I was going to get fired and that my boss was "letting me work the week out". Then his son started training for my job. We all figured it was a rumor.
Well, on Monday I got fired! I was a few minutes late on Sunday and my boss used that as the reason to fire me and give my job to his kid. So now I'm jobless.
I don't even know what to do with myself at this point. I've never felt so low or so awful. I wish I could run away. I really