well today is a sad today. Today marks the death of dream. I was told today that unm fucked up my billing and turns out that i owe 3000 dollars and if i don't pay by registration in 2 weeks i can't come back.
BUt was i able to work out a private loan, unfortunatly our financial situation has not been the best. We can know longer afford for me to go to school and only work part time, and the physics degree i've been going for requires a lot of study time and the classes that i would be starting next semester are only offered at one time, everyother semester so it limits the job possibilities. I refuse to quit school.
so... i had to comprimise. I want to stay with school, i'm half way done i can't quit now, but physics isn't an option anylonger. So i'm switching my major from physics. I am sad about that
but it'll be okay.
I'm not so far into this major that i can't change it, i've completed all my core and group requirements and only 3 major specific classes. Plus i've already taken the harder classes, i checked out the business classes..i could breeze through those in my sleep. And i can go to school and night and weekends like other people with families and bills to pay.
I had already decided that i can't do nursing or teaching because i don't really like people...so business was the only logical thing to do. You don't have to like people to be someone's boss, plus i look hot in suits.
So i may have lost a battle, but in the end i think it'll be okay
ANd by the way thanks to all of you who read my journal here and there and have been supportive through some of my emotional vomit when i don't even really know any of you that well . I love you guys!!!
BUt was i able to work out a private loan, unfortunatly our financial situation has not been the best. We can know longer afford for me to go to school and only work part time, and the physics degree i've been going for requires a lot of study time and the classes that i would be starting next semester are only offered at one time, everyother semester so it limits the job possibilities. I refuse to quit school.
so... i had to comprimise. I want to stay with school, i'm half way done i can't quit now, but physics isn't an option anylonger. So i'm switching my major from physics. I am sad about that

I'm not so far into this major that i can't change it, i've completed all my core and group requirements and only 3 major specific classes. Plus i've already taken the harder classes, i checked out the business classes..i could breeze through those in my sleep. And i can go to school and night and weekends like other people with families and bills to pay.
I had already decided that i can't do nursing or teaching because i don't really like people...so business was the only logical thing to do. You don't have to like people to be someone's boss, plus i look hot in suits.

So i may have lost a battle, but in the end i think it'll be okay

ANd by the way thanks to all of you who read my journal here and there and have been supportive through some of my emotional vomit when i don't even really know any of you that well . I love you guys!!!

Loved your pics you posted in PSW!
Good luck though.
Nice set btw.