I still vaguely remember a time when you actually had to call someone to talk. I've been in such silly situations trying to communicate feelings through massages and it always goes wrong. So insanely wrong. I think partly because there's no tones, no shifting in tempo and you can only read it through your own feelings, much more so than you'd do if it were an actual conversation. Even through a phone, there's no eyes, no smiles and no tears. But oh how much easier it is, you can put a conversation on pause, and you can really think things through before you answer and if you're embarrassed there's no one who can tell. Well, until you see it all be misunderstood or flattened down to a couple of ill chosen words in the middle of a much bigger meaning. Because we're not all writers. It's just so entirely stupid to be so distanced from feelings while they're rushing through like a tornado. I'm hoping we're saying stop to it soon.
>obviously WORDS mean
@tohidemyhurt .... I just didn't follow you there really.