Jeez, ask and ye shall receive. All I said was "I'd give anything for an all-nighter"
rating: tired/10
Yes, I'm net dating again. Somehow the waters of this particular ocean don't look as inviting as they once did. I heard a rumor there's plenty of fish in there though.
It's a beautiful morning, sunny and crystal clear. From my window I can see all the way across the Sound to the Olympics. It's cold as hell though, but it's way better than the rain.
So I'm gonna walk a few blocks to smoke a tab and get coffee. Then I'll begin planning my international crime spree.
When you get into some situation in life, good or bad, you look at it, and figure out what different actions you can take to have an effect on it. You eliminate the crazy ideas and you think about what might happen if you do this or that. You narrow it down.
The hardest ones come to those where you narrow it down to... Read More
From disappointing almost-was situation, to "can you believe this shit" in one MSN session.
A mildly interesting endgame: that girl I like who decided to go back to her alcoholic ex (yes, you all hiss at her very mention) got engaged to him. No difference in the situation AFAIK, she was bitching about him as usual the last time I saw her. I know, I... Read More
More snow than you could shake a really big stick at. I attempted all kinds of out-of-my-league maneuvers 'cos landing in it was so much fun, even the wrong way up.
I'm finally going to have some friends from back home visit, (including that cheerful looking gent in my avater pic) most likely in March. So I gotta organise shit.