Hehe. I could not help myself, someone had to say it! Your gorgeous! ok. ok. I will stop!
Sorry to hear about the long hours. On the bright side though they are feeding you! I'm sure it is not exactley fun however. I remember when I beta tested for AOL. Can't imagine actually programming...I guess that's why Im not doing it.. huh. lol
Yeah, I finished The Da Vinci Code. Great book. I'm working on a book by Lance Armstrong now....did I already mention that? I can't remember....yeesh. I'm only 23, and I'm already having short-term memory loss.
Anyway. Sorry to hear that work has gone crazy. Hope you get things sorted out in that department soon.
Sorry to hear about the long hours. On the bright side though they are feeding you! I'm sure it is not exactley fun however. I remember when I beta tested for AOL. Can't imagine actually programming...I guess that's why Im not doing it.. huh. lol
Anyway. Sorry to hear that work has gone crazy. Hope you get things sorted out in that department soon.
Yeah. Later, gater.