Life is strange. This game may not be unknown for you. But thank to @marlene i had to fixe this situation. Her last set with the outstanding @mimo was the signal to me. I had it in my PS4 library for some times, but i tried it last weekend.
The first thing that hit me was the look alike between Mimo and Max. Her piercing blue eyes will seduce you instantly and their shared talent for beauty ( photography for Max and modelling for Mimo) will give you affection for her. Yes, you follow Max in her adventure during her art class, her teenager drama with classmate, and maybe crush on professor. I am not very far in the game, they just meet with Chloe but i can tell. Those two have some history. I can't wait to see more of them. Even if their last set has, in a way, spoil me a little.
About the gameplay, it quite slow at first, watching ( even stalking sometimes) everything almost get me bored. But when the whole story line start, you start to love it. All possibility, all outcomes, i can't wait to see them all. And seeing this little butterfly in the left high corner, make my heart race a little everytime. It hype me so much, i want to finish it
One of my first good feeling about the game was also the music. The little note on the main menu was amazing. No need complexity when you have a good, nice, charming little music. Effective and beautiful, it won't let you feelingless.
All of these to say that i love this game, i love the universe and i can't wait to see more of this. Perfectly portraited character, accurate and lovable. This game will drag you and leave you a mark on your soûl.
Franchement j'adore @marlene, merci 😘