Been a member here once before. Not sure why I reactivated my account. I guess I had a few dollars to waste.
I have nothing to say. I'm just sick of my journal having Jan 19 on it.
Yeah dude, I hear what yer sayin'.
For me, it seems like I leave comments in a lot of peoples' journals, and I get a miniscule amount back, or the ones that comment on mine forget about me later. So yeah, who knows, your decision may be the first nail in my SG coffin. You were the coolest on my list, Lorenz. It seemed you thought throughly about your replies to mine, and others journals; they were hardly ever just one-sentence responses, and that's what i liked. I hope to meet some of the people on my list, but I don't know. They might even be cynical to me; Your right about the whole "internet community" thing, it seems like most of 'em have alot of friends in the real world. I had only one real friend (even he strayed) but I can hardly talk to him anymore, since i don't delite in getting "fucked up" all the time. I know.

not every 2 parent house is a healthy enviorment for a child if you had that good for you but you need to realize that mom's FIRST responsiblity is to the welfare of her child and that if it means leaving the dad to raise the baby on her own ,to work 2 or 3 jobs and to never go out rather than work obne go out and have the problems of the abuser and the stress on the baby than good for her... my daughters father fractured her arm when she was 3 months old.... why because the baby had a wet diaper... and if you say ishould have changed it .... well i had just ... but babies wet alot.... now this guy wass a cop an"upstanding citizen" and rather than have my child hurt or maimed or killed by this guy i left him.. now i am with another guy weho is adopting both babies as his own .... hence they'll have a father... one who is a good one... the fathers that create them arent always ables to be a daddy..... any boy can fuck some one and creat life.. it takes a MAN to understand how to be a daddy.... and i have a feeling you'll never be a true daddy you are entirely too close minded if you child ever came to you because some one hurt them weather it was physical or mentally you would blame thekm and ask what they did to have that done .. which in some cases is the case, however you child from that would ALways feel guilty and be cautious to the piont of inertia .. think about that would you? ; im sorry if I was rude my babies are my entire life to me, when some one says some thing that seems to be out of lne i get riled up
How come you don't usually like military people? We aren't all bad - That is why I am a medic, cause I would rather help people
As for Tricky, I have know him for a year (met him last summer)
How are you doing???


Thanks for the cool comment about the trading card.
You hit the nail right on the damn head about the going out thing. I have messed up nerves. My anxiety is all over the damn place. I've got a little bit of everything all wrapped up into one big ball of shit. A bit of Social anxiety, bit of Generalized anxiety, a little bit of claustrophobia a little bit of agrophobia. So to what degree is yours then?
Man i'm such a fucking freak. Not a lot i can do about it though...
You hit the nail right on the damn head about the going out thing. I have messed up nerves. My anxiety is all over the damn place. I've got a little bit of everything all wrapped up into one big ball of shit. A bit of Social anxiety, bit of Generalized anxiety, a little bit of claustrophobia a little bit of agrophobia. So to what degree is yours then?
Man i'm such a fucking freak. Not a lot i can do about it though...

Thanks! so I am drunk - I have been thinking about life - and I think that you deserve better than I.......

The stoopids are going around, but theyre fun, so just ride the wave.

*giggles* I know you didn't mean anything bad by that. I was feelling the same way you are for the longest time. I just stopped looking for love and it all of a sudden found me
I hope the same thing for you!


lol. yeah, I know your not the tattoo type. I'm not really the gaming type. Well, I actually am, but I try to avoid indulging. They're way tooooo addictive.
I can kill anyone in NHL 2004 though.
I can kill anyone in NHL 2004 though.

I think you resemble Kirk Hammet, there are some similar facial features. But not to the exten where I would mistake you for him or anything.
nice profile pic dude!
Didn't go to work today. It's not a special day I wasn't sick or anything it's just that I struggle to get up for work everyday and today I just couldn't do it for some reason. I'm not proud of that at all. I feel I owe it to parents to atleast go to work and put some effort.
It just hasn't turned out to...
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Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday!

Sometimes people ask How can you not like the holidays, its a time to make people happy with gifts and spend time with friends & family. I guess I would be a good old fashion scrooge if I didn't like that but I'd like to comment on this because the truth is that the holidays aren't really that, not for everyone. Some of us have...
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The camera does make things better for profile pics and such.
I see your point about the holidays. Its not easy or good for everyone, and the fact that its supposed to be the happiest time of the year makes it even worse I think. If I'm feeling grumpy I hate all the cheer.
I see your point about the holidays. Its not easy or good for everyone, and the fact that its supposed to be the happiest time of the year makes it even worse I think. If I'm feeling grumpy I hate all the cheer.

none taken. some of its not stuff I'm proud of. But did you find the shit about school repugnant?
I'll just be glad when the holidays are over. It's New Years eve... WOW. Like people need another excuse to act like idiots. You have to get wasted and throw caution to the wind because it's the last day of the year right? It's funny that only a few days ago you all celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ. I just think the holidays are...
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Thats what I thought too

You don't think the holidays are fun?? I love seeing my family and friends from back home, picking out the perfect presents to make someone happy, eating good homeade food, spending time not having to work...great stuff, I think! Now, granted, you do spend a lot of money, and tend to gain weight, but that's all part of the fun! 

I don't know if they're real blades are not! But they probably thought they were the toast of the town or somethin'. If I saw them in person, I'd point and laugh while they looked at me all serious. There's more! black metal urber alles
that was a rad movie!!
so off center. i like that!
i'm going to name one of my kids pedro.... a little european with a mexican name, ha!

i'm going to name one of my kids pedro.... a little european with a mexican name, ha!
I'm glad Christmas is only once a year and that it's over now. When I was a kid I looked foward to Christmas but now I don't. It's kinda like when you reach a certain age you don't look foward to your birthday anymore. I know there's labels and everything for people who don't like Christmas.
Well, if it comforts you at all- this type of dissapointment is more intense for women, especially the b-day thing...
There are some good ppl here, just give them a chance, dont attack them first, and if they piss you off, do what i do, use tact and try to talk to them. It gets more done i think. Well sleep time, laters.