Dream's are very strange
Wendsday night I had a dream I was at some sort of SG photo shoot.... it was wonderful, naked girls everywhere. And me sitting there thinking "WTF am I doing here?!" /sigh even in my dreams I cant be my suave.
Last night I dreamed I was with two of my old friends from highschool.... it always saddens me that people grow apart and have falling outs... but I know its not the first time something like that has happened in my life, and it wont be the last time Im sure.
Amazingly enough, the place I went for an interview about 2 weeks ago called me back, and they want a second interview with me on Monday. I had pretty much given up hope on the entire thing, but suprise suprise, life decided to throw me a curve ball. I havent mentioned it to anyone because the outcome is not certain, but its got me semi-positive for the moment.
On top of that, I have decided I should talk to a college nearby about possibly going to school. I know school and work will be alotfor me, but if I handle them both correctly it should all be for the better (aka getting out of my parents house and on my own feet).
My big fear is that I wont have time to think... our lives seem to be full of just actions, and we hardly ever seem to put our minds to any really productive work. Thats always bothered me... ever since I started Highschool, I always wondered why people acted how they did, and why they all seemed to be just zipping though there lives without thinking. Im often told I think to much, so I suppose going to school will be a better use to my brain then sitting here everyday.
Well... I guess I should start hounding the lady I need to talk to before I wimp out again
Wendsday night I had a dream I was at some sort of SG photo shoot.... it was wonderful, naked girls everywhere. And me sitting there thinking "WTF am I doing here?!" /sigh even in my dreams I cant be my suave.
Last night I dreamed I was with two of my old friends from highschool.... it always saddens me that people grow apart and have falling outs... but I know its not the first time something like that has happened in my life, and it wont be the last time Im sure.
Amazingly enough, the place I went for an interview about 2 weeks ago called me back, and they want a second interview with me on Monday. I had pretty much given up hope on the entire thing, but suprise suprise, life decided to throw me a curve ball. I havent mentioned it to anyone because the outcome is not certain, but its got me semi-positive for the moment.
On top of that, I have decided I should talk to a college nearby about possibly going to school. I know school and work will be alotfor me, but if I handle them both correctly it should all be for the better (aka getting out of my parents house and on my own feet).
My big fear is that I wont have time to think... our lives seem to be full of just actions, and we hardly ever seem to put our minds to any really productive work. Thats always bothered me... ever since I started Highschool, I always wondered why people acted how they did, and why they all seemed to be just zipping though there lives without thinking. Im often told I think to much, so I suppose going to school will be a better use to my brain then sitting here everyday.
Well... I guess I should start hounding the lady I need to talk to before I wimp out again

Good luck on the second interview! Woo hoo!
*still sending you good thoughts on the interview and on the school thingy*