Amazingly I made it through V-Day without any problems. Though I still have many more to deal with, one being that I need to find work and I really lack any kinda motivation to do that /sigh. Two being the fact that its been over a year since Ive been with anyone and its driving me crazy. My emotions and feelings always seem to be getting in my way, I feel like such a tool whenever I go to job interviews, thus why i hate looking for work. If i could find some kinda factory work, or something that dosent have a shitload of angry customers I would be ok. But besides the kind of job I think I could handle, there is also the fact that last night I slept from 12 tlll 3am then was up till lunch time, then slept till 5pm... Im hoping I might get tired around 2am tonight if Im lucky.
I might make another attempt at doing laundry tonight (there always seems to be someone elses clothes in either the washer or dryer!!!) Hell maybe if I clean my room a bit that will help me figure shit out, but I duuno. I will most likly have a smoke and a drink soon and get distracted by Porn all night yet again

If anything I need to at least get to my Karate classes more, Ive missed 2 classes this week due to oversleeping, and I will be tested for Orange belt next week!! On the plus side I have a new candle I managed to go out and get called "Juicy Peach" smells amazing... DAMNIT!! Well you can guess what I just managed to think about after I typed out the title of the candle /sigh I just cant win lol
Other thoughts are wandering around what I like to do, and if I can somehow get money by doing what I like lol. I am a big Anime and Hentai fan, and I can kinda draw some erotci pictures but I dunno, I even had a thought about talking to other online adult artists to make a book full of the millions of pictures done by people who love erotic art/cartoons/yiff/Hentai, that sounds a little far fetched but its an idea to think about anyway

Ill try and write again soon

And laundry.
The porn sounds good though.