Cripes 4am, I should have been asleep hours ago. Just an update so anyone who read my last drunken emo post wont get worried about what Ive been up to lately. I havent had any alcohol for about a week or so, just to show myself I dont need to drink basically, thought I might have a drink or 2 soon depending on how things go over the next week or so. As my last post suggested, I have felt pretty shitty about my life lately and Ive been trying to figure out a way to get myself out of this pit I call my room. I have been looking up some meditations, and ways to relax the mind, but I also realized I wanted to help my body as well. And a thought came across my mind, around 1990 I vaguely remembered that I had gone to Karate but for some reason I stoped going, probally because we couldnt afford it, or that being so young I simply lost intrest. But what I remembered is that I felt more confident about myself when I look back at it. What better way to strengthen both my mind and body then to start back into Karate again. So far I have only taken two classes, but the Sensi also gave me some Tai Chi type Music CD's to listen to, to help me relax and let go of this constant tense feeling I have. I found out just how badly out of shape I am already from just two classes, I ache in places I forgot I have, but I like to think of it as my body making itself stronger. I was also informed of a possible job opening at a Post All nearby, it may not be glamorious but its something, plus they mentioned I might be able to do some Graphic Design. I am hoping to talk with them on Monday, no guarntee but its another lead at least. Ill post again soon if there are any changes

I totally want to make a troll character. I'm not good at caster professions, but when I started playing EQ back in the day, I played some mighty good tanks. Maybe soon things will start to work out in my favor, and I'll be able to get my own account. Either that, or just lay down the law with myself and completely stop going out to eat at Perkins and stuff. =P