Well my sleeping is fucked, I was up till 6am yesterday and will most likely do the same tonight. Makes looking for a job difficult. I need a haricut badly, and I REALLy want the new Terry Goodkind book "Phantom" but dont have enought to even buy it /cry. Thankfully my father has let me do some work for him, and all it is, is listening to audiobooks for glitches. Not hard but since some books can be 40 hours long.... its not as easy as one might think. I am listening to one now as I type, so at least I can do some webstuff while I listen for glitches. Hopefully I will get a haircut and my book today or tomorrow. Fallen Riders downed Domo on our first time attempting to kill him, 3rd time was a charm that night and taking down domo on your first real try is quite amazing as any WoW player will tell you
Hopefully Im turning a new leaf for the Fall season, so I can get on my feet again and hopefully find some real work with benifits soon.

Chessmaster, huh? We should hook up on MSN games and you should totally kick my ass. I am not a chess person - definitely more sort of the puzzle-type game - and I kick ass at Yahoo's Rocket Mania.
Thanks a lot for your comment on my set! It's really appreciated