Well got the good and the bad today I guess, I had the thrill of calling back another place I tried to get a job and only to hear they had filled the position. Pretty much knew that was the answer I would get when I called but it still sucked, now Im just kinda waiting on this Temp Agency to find me something (ANYTHING!!!) so I can somehow get some income. I need to find something to get me out of this damn house and away from this Island! I love the area I live in, but I seriously need to get out on my own soon or Im just going to go nuts. As for the good part, its all silly WoW related stuff. But that game is the only think keeping me from going out of my mind, plus all the lovely SG girls
Other silly junk is that I got to see a friend of mine I havent seen in awhile last week, see has moved evern farther away now though lol. And I saw Pirates of the Caribbean, awsome action move that everyone would love (zomg Johnny Depp) only down side was I went and saw it alone... /sigh, well WoW servers will be down today so I dunno what Im gonna do with myself today, probally just pots around as usual

I am so glad you enjoyed the new Alexsandria Shoot. Check out my journal for behind the scenes.
Very very very belated thanks for your comment on my set! x