Well I sure as hell hope ill be getting out of this rut soon, my life seems so pointless but its even WORSE when I have no income and no social life. I sometimes miss going out and doing stuff, but im so uncomfortable around huge groups of people sometimes. Well just call me weird I guess. Anyhow had a quick interview today at a factory nearby, if I dont hear from her by Friday ill call her Monday for the final word. If that falls through I will be going heads first into this temp agency Ive been talking with lately. Its kinda sad how my only form of social contact is online but at least its something, and everyone on here seems so nice (and drop dead sexy!!) But I know in truth I will never know them or meet them, part good part bad I suppose, to many crazies out there so the net is as safe as you can get lol

Heh, forgot the tattoo thing you mentioned in the message. To that end: forget a fund - should I be able to start selling some of my pictures as prints, it would be better to support me that way, I promise.. ^_^