Woah I got a comment =P Not use to that at all lol. Well, I tried out for a job as a deckhand on a cruise ship, but after all that heavy lifing and stuff, I could hardly move the next morning. Guess Im just built for computer desk just i suppose /sigh. If im lucky ill find something soon, got a little cash from tax returns but I need income asap. Play starts in about 2 weeks and its coming along a little better, little kids just cramp my style when they dont frickin listen
More Blogs
Thursday Dec 14, 2006
10 days till Christmas For the record today is going to be… -
Saturday Dec 09, 2006
Feels like its been a long time since I posted anything on here. I r… -
Thursday Nov 30, 2006
This is a song.... a song for those who I have loved.... -
Wednesday Nov 08, 2006
Well its 9:30am and Id much rather be asleep atm, but oh well. I sho… -
Sunday Oct 22, 2006
Cripes 4am, I should have been asleep hours ago. Just an update so an… -
Monday Oct 09, 2006
Well Ive been drinking, and I do enjoy it. Though I know it changes n… -
Wednesday Oct 04, 2006
Well at 10am tomorrow (12 hours) Ill be going to an interview for a … -
Monday Sep 25, 2006
Yesterday was one of those dark days that tend to find me every on… -
Tuesday Aug 29, 2006
Well looks like another wonderfu Tuesday, and all the WoW players wil… -
Wednesday Aug 16, 2006
Well my sleeping is fucked, I was up till 6am yesterday and will mos…