Yowza, this new look will take some getting use to for alot of people it seems. Hey wtf? LOL Uck i better change that whilei noticed it, I dont think im much of a "captivating, intoxicating individual" /sigh. Alright well, fix that then look at a few sets, then MORE job hunting (same ol shit most likely) then some wonderful WoW! Im going to need...
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Wow, Im amazed at how many Girls on here actually will thank you for posting on there pictures. If anything I should thank them for such amazing sets and leting all of us get a look at there beauty. Im still in a slump, no job kinda sucks after awhile. Finding something I enjoy doing is the hard part, I mean it seems like no...
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I cannot find any point to this
This world we have created around us
These shells we call ourselves
So few hold true Pearls
And those that do... are often lost
Why are we tormented by the pasts
Why do we hide who we truely are
Why do we pretend that we are all ok
When were not
Why heartbreak
Why lonliness...
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Thank you! I'd be blind without them! kiss
thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my set.
Damn, Im suprised the girls post on people who comment on them lol. But i just gotta say how amazing some of these photo sets are, I never think ill get a thank you for looking at amazing attractive women nude wink Still jobless Im afraid, still a WoW addict, and still single, though that MIGHT change at some point but I doubt it hehe. blush
Well the final play was today, VERY glad its over, but a bit sad i suppose. I felt REALLY bad when the little girl who was playing Dorothy started to cry because it was the last show /sigh, wasnt expecting that. She perked up a little during the cleanup and cast party, but its gotta be rough on a little kid whos only 10 and...
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Thank you for the comment on my set kiss
Thanks to beautiful_chaos for the comment lol, i honestly dont expect people to read these things so I tend to ramble a bit. Needless to say Im not where Id like to be in life and I really dont know what to do about it, go back to school, get some lame ass job and try to save money? I figure my best bet would...
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Aww thank you, sweety smile
Strange day so far... to many dark thoughs floating through my head. Loniliness... regreat...emptiness... not sure why there in here today. I mean what AM I suppose to do with life, I have no goals, no special talents of any kind. Just another walking talking idiot like most people. In the end nobody will remember my life at all... so what can I do to...
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It's all good. Double posts are great! CHEER UP! you have suicidegirls wink
Woah I got a comment =P Not use to that at all lol. Well, I tried out for a job as a deckhand on a cruise ship, but after all that heavy lifing and stuff, I could hardly move the next morning. Guess Im just built for computer desk just i suppose /sigh. If im lucky ill find something soon, got a little cash from...
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This will be quick, but I really hate this stupid ass play I was dragged into. The only reason i did it was because they couldnt find any other people (gee, Wizard of Oz the play? wonder why) So my brother was dragged in as well, he plays Scarecrow I play Tinman, but now he got into another play (one thats for school) so Im...
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thank u for the comment on my new set!
Holy fuck im tired.
Damn Wow, damn gates opening.
Well Im sitting on my butt waiting for my ship to complete a 20 jump process on Eve. And as usual Im browsing SG like a nub looking at all the cute nakid girls who I wont be talking to anytime soon lol. Guess thats the problem with internet communities, so many people to talk to and read up on. And not all of them...
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Well Im trying to ween myself off WoW a bit, but that ONLY means Ive been playing another game called Eve, crazy space ship online deal. HUGE gameing world, I just have the noob ship so far but I bought a better one, gotta train up to equip it with some good stuff. The weather has been gray and wet the past few days, makes...
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