This is a song.... a song for those who I have loved....

such a good song! I was drunk on here too...where were you??? Haha!! How are you doing?!? Sorry I made you hungry for pizza...did you go out and get some?
Well its 9:30am and Id much rather be asleep atm, but oh well. I should probally get use to this working dealie wink (Yeah i finally got some part time work somewhere) Thankfully I dont work all that often just yet, but once the Holidays hit Im sure it will be fricking crazy. Karate classes are going well too, I have learned alot of very unpleasnt...
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Cripes 4am, I should have been asleep hours ago. Just an update so anyone who read my last drunken emo post wont get worried about what Ive been up to lately. I havent had any alcohol for about a week or so, just to show myself I dont need to drink basically, thought I might have a drink or 2 soon depending on how things...
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How has your own job hunt going? I mean, you mentioned an interview, and I don't think we've talked since then. *puppy tear*

I totally want to make a troll character. I'm not good at caster professions, but when I started playing EQ back in the day, I played some mighty good tanks. Maybe soon things will start to work out in my favor, and I'll be able to get my own account. Either that, or just lay down the law with myself and completely stop going out to eat at Perkins and stuff. =P
Well Ive been drinking, and I do enjoy it. Though I know it changes nothing of my current state, nor my current income. But at the moment it really dosent matter at all. Today I wish I could discover something no one else has ever found before, simply because it is Columbus day so to speak. Part of me feels so hopelessly lost about my...
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kiss you are going to be okay babe!
Well at 10am tomorrow (12 hours) Ill be going to an interview for a LIfe Insurance agency, gonna be really farking weird because they found my "Resume" on Monster.com. Personally I think im just one of those poor saps who is being dragged into an interview just so this company can SAY they interviewed a certain number of people. Thankfully i have a good idea...
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where are naughty bits? hahaha...does that mean you don't like them. frown
Awww...thanks! smile kiss
Just go and have fun and eat lunch on them! Sjmile a lot and just be you and everything will be great! smile
Yesterday was one of those dark days that tend to find me every once in awhile, the realization that I am a hopeless failure that cant seem to get himself out of the hole I have dug myself into. Thoughts of how nothing I do will really change anything, and how in the end I will simple be forgotten made me feel like a lost...
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Only as far as Illinois, I'm afraid.
thanks for you sweetness! smile kiss
Well looks like another wonderfu Tuesday, and all the WoW players will not be happy. Myself being one of them, hopefully I will be able to fall asleep again. I WAS asleep for awhile but woke up 2 hours later for some reason. Might be a dream I had or something but I cant remember having any kind of dream. Ive been thinking about girls...
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ACTUALLY it was the same camera I've always been using - the roommie is getting it now. Using a tripod, there, and apparently I just managed to get the placement of the lights *just* right. =P
Thank you darling! kiss
Well my sleeping is fucked, I was up till 6am yesterday and will most likely do the same tonight. Makes looking for a job difficult. I need a haricut badly, and I REALLy want the new Terry Goodkind book "Phantom" but dont have enought to even buy it /cry. Thankfully my father has let me do some work for him, and all it is, is...
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Chessmaster, huh? We should hook up on MSN games and you should totally kick my ass. I am not a chess person - definitely more sort of the puzzle-type game - and I kick ass at Yahoo's Rocket Mania.
Thanks a lot for your comment on my set! It's really appreciated kiss !
Well got the good and the bad today I guess, I had the thrill of calling back another place I tried to get a job and only to hear they had filled the position. Pretty much knew that was the answer I would get when I called but it still sucked, now Im just kinda waiting on this Temp Agency to find me something (ANYTHING!!!)...
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I am so glad you enjoyed the new Alexsandria Shoot. Check out my journal for behind the scenes.
Very very very belated thanks for your comment on my set! x
Well I sure as hell hope ill be getting out of this rut soon, my life seems so pointless but its even WORSE when I have no income and no social life. I sometimes miss going out and doing stuff, but im so uncomfortable around huge groups of people sometimes. Well just call me weird I guess. Anyhow had a quick interview today at a...
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Heh, forgot the tattoo thing you mentioned in the message. To that end: forget a fund - should I be able to start selling some of my pictures as prints, it would be better to support me that way, I promise.. ^_^
Ugh, me and a friend of mine drank a bit to much last night. 2 people and almost a liter of Jim Beam, I went to sleep, woke up and Im not fully sober yet lol. Anyway, besides that its my birthday tomorrow and it REALLY dosent feel like it will be my Birthday. I havent asked for any presents, and on top of that...
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Thanx for the set comments! kiss

Hell yeah, I'm a Cancer, and I love it. S'why my first (and currently only) tattoo is the Cancer symbol. ^_^ Thanks for the birthday wishes.