I know you
It seems like so long ago
Things are slipping by so fast
Its scary
I dont know what happened yesterday
Nor do I know what will happen tomorrow
I only tell myself what I would like to do next
Sometimes I cant get myself to do anything at all.
Reality becomes blurred, because its always pain
I honestly dont know how much...
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I wasn't judging myself harshly smile
I really should post more often, alot happens in a day and my thoughs seem to change so quickly now adays.

Well for starters I have been horrible horney for about a week or so, I honestly dont know why but I can only find it amusing that Valentiines day is coming up and I am just as single as I have been for quite...
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I think it's something in the water, dude, because I have been the same way lately. Gotta be spring rolling in and telling us all to make some babies. Where are all the rabid lesbians when I need them? Curses!
PS Does this help?

Funny how making a total blunder got me so many posts tongue Ah well, I dont really think I want THAT much attention again lol.

Well the week with no parents has come to an end, cant say I mind all that much. House upkeep is a real pain, especially with all the animals we have. Just got back from the airport a few min ago...
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Well I managed to screw myself over pretty quickly right there, I posted something I thought might be important to those who use the internet, what I honestly didnt realize is that I had Spamed it. I can only hope that I didnt piss off to many people by doing it, I seriously didnt even think about it as Spam when I posted it. I...
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Thanks for your comment on my set kiss
thanks for the nice comment- I hope things work out with the message you sent, but it seems like you didn't do it with any malice so it will probably be okay smile
xoxox kl

This is going to be posted on every forum I have acess to because we all use the internet on here, and this will directly effect anyone who will read this (because right now you are using the net wink ) I ask you all to at least see the vid then signe, the internet is the only place where people all over the globe...
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you may not normally spam, but you did this time, and that makes what you have to say unimportant....u have to follow the rules just like everyone else dork.
AGAIN I am sorry for the Spam, I honestly didnt even realize it would be considered that when I did it, I would try and apoligize to all the groups I posted in, but that would simply be more spaming. So again, sorry for the Spam, didnt mean to piss people off so easily and so quickly.
I havent posted in awhile because people probally dont read this, but I do it mostly to keep track of how life seems to be going. I talked alot about Anne in my last blog, because it was nice to go out with a girl, but I honestly couldnt tell why she hung out with me. This New Years I thought I should go out...
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Well Im at work today.... boss aint here wink and holy hell is it slow. Chris and myself have been here for only 2 hours and I think we have only had 2 packjobs. Many dropoffs, but not much else. Had a good weekend, and this week is going pretty well so far. Saturday night I went out with a girl named Anne who is also...
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Christmas season is definitly upon us here, and no there is no snow or anything like that. FIrst off, I dont have work till Tuesday, so pwnable since Ive been working a good deal as of late. Second, Ive had a few drinks tonight and am feeeeeling fine, thought I did miss Karate yesterday so I wont be able to wish happy holidays to...
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Didn't hurt much!

Well I said I would update and its not looking to good. As I was afraid, she dosent know me well enough and Im sure when I called her house about the presant kinda weirded her out a bit. But she at least told me straight up that as of now, im someone she knows, but dosent know well. I told her I was sorry,...
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Time for a life post I suppose, gotta jot this stuff down so I dont forget about it all someday. Most people who have talked to me know I have started up Karate. I did this to try and help me try and focus my thinking and my energy into something positive, and so far it has been paying off. Over the past weekend I...
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GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Just ask her out for a drink..if she says no then at least you will know...if she says yes then yay!! Don't be too pushy. Give her your number and have her call you then you know if she does then she really wants to. Congrats on your yellow belt. Good for you for getting out there!!! I think it would help to have a relationship with someone into the same thing as you...you could help each other. Just take things slow don't be too eager. Good luck and keep us posted! Have a great holiday my dear! smile
10 days till Christmas

For the record today is going to be a huge amount of suck. For one im awake at 7:45 in the morning, and I am seriously not a morning person. On top of that fact is the fact that I have work today at 9am. Now on a normal day ill go to work and be doing pack jobs all day,...
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Feels like its been a long time since I posted anything on here. I really should try to keep a record of what happens a little better. Im not sure why, but lately Ive felt very small compared to everything else around me. I feel like im just some small piece of a small world that we are slowly destroying. I keep looking back at...
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Wow...interesting random thought my friend. If you wanna talk you know where I am.