Its strange how as soon as you want to do more, time seems to go by faster.

I am in a bind of sorts, firstly I have no clue what Id like to do if I went back to school.
Though I find Graphic Design and drawing are a nice hobby of sorts, it dosent feel like something that means enough to me.

I always...
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I have to say that having someone does help.
I hope you find something to do that earns you a living and betters the world.
Well the interview went really well, its the first interview I actually liked going to, because I just acted like myself and didnt follow all the "Interview" rules that I learned about in school. Seems like the lady who I talked to actually hated having to talk to people when they acted like that lol.

Dosent mean I will get the job, and it dosent...
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biggrin Those pics of your Grandma's house makes me so happy. Reminds me of what my Grandma's house was like when I was growing up. Does she have rubber thingys on the door knobs? Mine did and when I was a kid I thought that was the coolest thing ever. I am glad your interview went so well! biggrin I hope you get the job! kiss
Ok ill try and make this quick, a place nearby has some factory work and they actually called me back for an interview today! Im am so fucking nervious because i have less then 2 hours to get ready for it!! I need to get a godamn haircut but I have no clue what kinda haircut I should get, usually I just go short and...
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Always stay positive - believe that good things will happen, focus on the things you WANT, not what you DON'T WANT. Whatever you focus on is what you get! Hmm, maybe I need keep that in mind as the stress builds at work!
Happy Easter

This is going to be long, but no one reads these so its all good lol.

I have been thinking about alot of things over the past few months, it seems like goes by very quickly and very often we forget about our past, because we are all so intent on the present. I have been thinking about doing many things, writing a book,...
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It just occurred to me that I should never let you read any Bester. I am, however, rooting for you big time in this whole job and school endeavor!

oh of course i have tongue.... its the bible for Rogues biggrin
So not much has been happening, my sleeping pattern is still fucked, and I haven't been able to get in contact with any new job people so far. Kinda sucks because I'm completely broke, but hell Ive found some fun stuff while slacking. One thing is this MMORPG called Vanguard, my computer can hardly handle the graphics but its a interesting game overall. Besides that...
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Shoot them!!!!!


My mood fo the day I suppose, enjoy wink

Recently I have done some minor work for a person who is Blind and also hard of hearing (he had surgery so that he can hear alot better then he use to though). It wasnt hard to help him figure out what remote control does what for his Radio, CD and TV but he is starting to talk about driving him around in HIS car...
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frown Yikes. Good luck.
An edited email, about how my life is going

I was sorry to hear about your grandfather, both my grandfathers died when I was very young so I never really got to know them. But not long ago one of my Grandmothers passed away, needless to say I have had regrets about not talking to her more, or getting to know her better then I...
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I think they are not so expensive anymore biggrin
Its kinda funny how randomly I post a blog

Well, as usual I have been drinking, its rare that I actually DONT drink at night these days. Ive obviously been pretty bummed out. I really need a job, and godamnit I still need to do more laundry!! As for Karate... well I started to tear it apart in my mind like I do with most...
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Amazingly I made it through V-Day without any problems. Though I still have many more to deal with, one being that I need to find work and I really lack any kinda motivation to do that /sigh. Two being the fact that its been over a year since Ive been with anyone and its driving me crazy. My emotions and feelings always seem to be...
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Yup. For four long hours.
Ugh, V-day.
And laundry.

The porn sounds good though.