Well time has sped up on me once again

Having a day job seems to do that, 7:30am till 4pm each day is a drain. Even better is that they have manditory overtime, so it might be 7:30am to 5pm somedays and also working on Saturday.....

Cant wait........

Its not a bad job, but its terribly dull at times, and I hate being awake that...
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Thank you for showing love on my new set! xxxx
Id like to type down all the things im thinking but it would take to long, and I dont think alot of people are bothering to read any of this due to the summber season and not many people sitting at there computers blogging lol. Quick of my thoughts is waiting to upload on youtube so ill toss it up here later today... Im scared...
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Remember - you are in control. No matter what, you have choices. The options may not be great - but you do have choices to make. Keep the song in mind: You do control it - fear won't break you.

Hope the job is working out.
Well tomorrow is the day

Id like to pretend Im not nervious, Id like to pretend Im not afraid Im going to fuck this all up somehow. But I cant exactally pretend Im Mr.Positive attitude about anything I try and do. I feel like this will be a big change, 7:30 - 4:30 five days a week?! Getting up early will be the hard part...
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I dont know why I feel so nostalgic tonight...

All in all I had a ownderful evening out with my brother at a dinner theater, and a cute girl (married) from highschool was chatting with both of us there. Maybe Im sad that its over, or sad that I didnt act more like myself... I only feel sad now though.

Today I am going to...
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they put that baby in the microwave for 20 FUCKEN SECONDS!
Looks like you have the job, from Daisy's post. Congrats. Hope you're doing well
Some amazingly hot SG girls have been going up recently!!

I havent blogged in awhile because Ive been in a bit of a WoW funk. When that happens all I do is play WoW and block out the rest of the world. But today is my little brothers Birthday (24) so I figured I should put something up. Besides WoW Ive been watching alot of...
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Be a hot awesome chick in South Dakota who once wanted to know if I am bi and got me thinking about it.

Well... the interview went pretty good, she only asked me a few other questions and said she would like to hire me but they wont have a position open till sometime later this month. So its a bit of a waiting game, with no guarntee that Ill be hired, but at least she was interested.

As for school, Ive been talking with a lady...
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I am a sap

I have been one for as long as I can remember, and its rather strange to think about. Last night I drank an entire 6pac alone, trying to fill that empty feeling in my heart. But it was just there ten times worse when I woke up, and all I could do was listen to a song that I knew would...
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Believe that tomorrow will be a GREAT new day and will be a GREAT new day. Fear that tomorrow will eat you alive and tomorrow has a better chance of eating you alive. Each day brings new adventures and challenges. Embrace them. Before anyone else will believe in you, YOU have to believe in you.

You'll do great. (Okay, me and Daisy are giving you a head start - we believe in you!) wink
thank you a lot ^^

did you finally watch the anime? tongue
Dream's are very strange

Wendsday night I had a dream I was at some sort of SG photo shoot.... it was wonderful, naked girls everywhere. And me sitting there thinking "WTF am I doing here?!" /sigh even in my dreams I cant be my suave.

Last night I dreamed I was with two of my old friends from highschool.... it always saddens me that people...
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Taxes DO suck.

Good luck on the second interview! Woo hoo!
Yeah, I was pretty giddy today through the whole process - stressed, but really really happy. Being able to take all of tomorrow and just focus on stuff will be pretty nice, and really help accomplish things.

*still sending you good thoughts on the interview and on the school thingy*
Weird how weekends just sort of slip by

There are alot of things I would like to do, but getting myself to actually go out and do them is the hard part. I was actually able to get myself some sneakers on Friday, so I might be able to start some form of excersize soon. I also need to try and look up some College...
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The longest of journey's begins with a single step.

Choose a direction - take a step. Then another, and another. If the path starts to seem wrong - stop, get your bearings, and head in a new directions. Life is a journey.
hahahah even if the most amazing person in the world worked at hot topic... i still would never go unless i was being paid.

It is amazing how society goes bonkers when one unforuniate person simply goes off the deep end.
Id like to pretend that that person who shot and killed innocent people dosent bother me, in fact Id like to not give that person half a thought because his actions and his death are something that should not be glorified, but it will be.

Humans seem...
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aw sad. you're never ready when its time for a pet to leave us frown
You can't fix the world. You can only make your little piece of it nicer by being a better person yourself.

As for women, they can be very good at creating drama in our lives. In a way, I think we love it. As for you - you may be right. Take matters one at a time. Get a one piece of life fixed before working on another...

Edit: whoops, the photo didn't load all the way at first.

So how was the storm? Bitchin?

*wants a big storm on Friday*
Thank you...and I love raspberry jam and bacon. Mmm...gimme some!
For some weird reason I had this song stuck in my head soon after I woke up this morning /shrug