well I went out to are local bar last night, was fun and i thought i would tell ya about it. so here goes...
ok, so it was friday night and i had been drawing up in my room and getting perty bord of doing so. I rember thinging god dam i suck its friday night and i'm in my room drawing comic a book .. I know i use to have a life...I wan to drink... yes drink thats a good idea. so I call my freind charles who had wanted to drink earler kinda, but desided he didn't want to cause money was tight or some thing. I knew how ever he did still really want to.
so any ways I call and we go meet at wylders/zoo and walk in and the guy at the door is 6 dollar cover the guys from trialer park boys are here bah bah bah bah.. any ways so we deside fuck it we justwant beer will go to the moose. we do we drink for a wile and bitch at the bad music and about music all togeher and i get another story about back in the day and the greatness if being a elitest...
so we plit up and charles get pizza and i deside to go to wylders cause i'm not done drinking and I'll meet up with some i know to hang out with. any how so i go to walk in and there was this ig line by the bank machine by the door and the door guy was trying to make it work..so i stand there...and stand there...and wait.. then say fuck it. I grab the dam stamp stamp my hand and walk in and hand to the ppl behind me and go to get a beer. ya i'm such a rebal...lol wah..wah..wahhh
so I am ordering my beer when i get this poke on my sholder and lowin behold its hydra of the comic team Awesome that I draw that is baced off there likeness. so we shoot the shit and what not and i end up going and sitting with her and kristar also of team Awesome and and rocking out to the band playing sab or stab, can't rember really...lol any how just a bar band playing bar band shit. and how tara and i try to talk but i had no idea what she was saying cause we were right by the speaker.. but it was something about kristar and fighting with her b.f. I tihnk..
any how so we hung out there was lots of them going and running to see other ppl and or in kristar's case fight with b.f. any ways at some point tarra looses kristar and so we go to find her and I end up seeing so ppl from engle heart... this girl halley a varry hot girl who I had drank with on ocation and shane who by the way was the cool guy in the bands in my high school years and i nean this with no sarcasum at all, he was all around a cool guy and he could fucking play. so we catch up a bit and shit but she asked about my dad and how he was doing and i felt really bad aculy cause i had to break the bad news about him dieing...I frelt realy bad cause she though highly of him for some reason... I don't really know why tho.. any how so that kinda sucked..but we end up meeting up after i left the bar too and i got the same i'm sorry about your dad thing again, witch is nice by i'm realy over it.... so ya then i cam home and watched sea lad with ray and jess... By the way sea lab theam song rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, so it was friday night and i had been drawing up in my room and getting perty bord of doing so. I rember thinging god dam i suck its friday night and i'm in my room drawing comic a book .. I know i use to have a life...I wan to drink... yes drink thats a good idea. so I call my freind charles who had wanted to drink earler kinda, but desided he didn't want to cause money was tight or some thing. I knew how ever he did still really want to.
so any ways I call and we go meet at wylders/zoo and walk in and the guy at the door is 6 dollar cover the guys from trialer park boys are here bah bah bah bah.. any ways so we deside fuck it we justwant beer will go to the moose. we do we drink for a wile and bitch at the bad music and about music all togeher and i get another story about back in the day and the greatness if being a elitest...
so we plit up and charles get pizza and i deside to go to wylders cause i'm not done drinking and I'll meet up with some i know to hang out with. any how so i go to walk in and there was this ig line by the bank machine by the door and the door guy was trying to make it work..so i stand there...and stand there...and wait.. then say fuck it. I grab the dam stamp stamp my hand and walk in and hand to the ppl behind me and go to get a beer. ya i'm such a rebal...lol wah..wah..wahhh
so I am ordering my beer when i get this poke on my sholder and lowin behold its hydra of the comic team Awesome that I draw that is baced off there likeness. so we shoot the shit and what not and i end up going and sitting with her and kristar also of team Awesome and and rocking out to the band playing sab or stab, can't rember really...lol any how just a bar band playing bar band shit. and how tara and i try to talk but i had no idea what she was saying cause we were right by the speaker.. but it was something about kristar and fighting with her b.f. I tihnk..
any how so we hung out there was lots of them going and running to see other ppl and or in kristar's case fight with b.f. any ways at some point tarra looses kristar and so we go to find her and I end up seeing so ppl from engle heart... this girl halley a varry hot girl who I had drank with on ocation and shane who by the way was the cool guy in the bands in my high school years and i nean this with no sarcasum at all, he was all around a cool guy and he could fucking play. so we catch up a bit and shit but she asked about my dad and how he was doing and i felt really bad aculy cause i had to break the bad news about him dieing...I frelt realy bad cause she though highly of him for some reason... I don't really know why tho.. any how so that kinda sucked..but we end up meeting up after i left the bar too and i got the same i'm sorry about your dad thing again, witch is nice by i'm realy over it.... so ya then i cam home and watched sea lad with ray and jess... By the way sea lab theam song rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a mission!!