gordo's bday fun
so here is my ode to gordos b-day.
wel me charls and ray all deside to go out for beer for gordo's bday. so we go get all ready and by get read y i mean just go cause we did no getting ready sept for we had to wait for gord...but he said just go haed i'll meet ya in to...
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so here is my ode to gordos b-day.
wel me charls and ray all deside to go out for beer for gordo's bday. so we go get all ready and by get read y i mean just go cause we did no getting ready sept for we had to wait for gord...but he said just go haed i'll meet ya in to...
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I just love so much your 'about me' text. you wrote it or just quote it??


the blood of a 1000 heathens and the stentch of rotting garbage and dead shadflys linger
mmmm well lets see well to day was going to be the day that i did a photo diary that was in spired from some else blog (affy), but sadly this has not happened due to tenical dificaltys... i'm sure your think humm I wonder what that is right?...
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mmmm well lets see well to day was going to be the day that i did a photo diary that was in spired from some else blog (affy), but sadly this has not happened due to tenical dificaltys... i'm sure your think humm I wonder what that is right?...
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my myspace was being rather evil to me today and yesterday, i got to log in for a bit, and i read your message, i was going to go look and reply but everytime i try to log in lately it comes up as an error or that they are "updating" my profile or something.
in anycase, don't be alarmed by the delay, i shall definitely look at your painting...
i loved the ones you had on here, i felt they had a lot of depth...^__^
and yes, family is quite a joy? *insert sarcasm here* lol
my older brother is always checking in on me and is just convinced im the black sheep. lol
but the cool thing about being the "weird" one is that we get to do whatever we want.
in anycase, don't be alarmed by the delay, i shall definitely look at your painting...
i loved the ones you had on here, i felt they had a lot of depth...^__^
and yes, family is quite a joy? *insert sarcasm here* lol
my older brother is always checking in on me and is just convinced im the black sheep. lol
but the cool thing about being the "weird" one is that we get to do whatever we want.
Wierd, guys over 20 don't usually get carded.
well I went out to are local bar last night, was fun and i thought i would tell ya about it. so here goes...
ok, so it was friday night and i had been drawing up in my room and getting perty bord of doing so. I rember thinging god dam i suck its friday night and i'm in my room drawing comic a book...
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ok, so it was friday night and i had been drawing up in my room and getting perty bord of doing so. I rember thinging god dam i suck its friday night and i'm in my room drawing comic a book...
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What a mission!! 

ok well I am going to try and show you all these really silly recording me and my freinds are doing that we fawndly call randon tee vee video. the oragin was to make a little clip to show are frein who lives in the other side of the world. so we get to gether and we are a bunch of silly ppl at times,...
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Um, I definitely didnt say anything about a set being approved, I said I had the IDEA for it.
What are you talking about? I dont need any approval for an idea....
ok so I finaly got up off my ass and did some more layout of the team awesome comci that I have had the art done for like a mounth now. I think i put pg1 of it up here on a earlyer blog, but eather way i'll post it here to so you can read it in order. I will be working on more...
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new life story comic being done
well I don't know if any one knows other then the pear goup of ppl who i talk ot on here or in real my real life that i am doing a graphic noval/comic of real life storys. well if you didn't know you do now, any how I have strted my first story by some who isn't me...
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well I don't know if any one knows other then the pear goup of ppl who i talk ot on here or in real my real life that i am doing a graphic noval/comic of real life storys. well if you didn't know you do now, any how I have strted my first story by some who isn't me...
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i love your comics.
and i'm moving from timmins to toronto.
and i'm moving from timmins to toronto.
thanks for the advice. Its not so much seperation anxiety as its just a rant of what Im missing. Im having big relationship troubles and that was me ranting it out.
well lets see I don't have alot to update about sadly due to the varry plainess that is my life.
um lets I got some new boots last week even tho I can't aford them and when i mean that i mean I was at the I have 20 bucks to my name point... but I was at value village and saw them tryed them...
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um lets I got some new boots last week even tho I can't aford them and when i mean that i mean I was at the I have 20 bucks to my name point... but I was at value village and saw them tryed them...
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Hey hunn hows u? Nice art work Hehe Have a lovely day XxX
your work is really great. I think I should post some of mine too. the issue with my amp was a fuse too, but I accidentally took off the piece that holds the fuse. damn fuses!! I'll show it soon, the hawk.

well I put up some new pics, it guess it would be a S.boy style set of me and my guitar so if ya wanted to look ppl's who are reading this now ya know there there.
um what else my leg hurts, my dam crasy cat just attacted it, she is so nuts some times. so now there is blood comming out of my...
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um what else my leg hurts, my dam crasy cat just attacted it, she is so nuts some times. so now there is blood comming out of my...
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your life sounds pretty chill....got any art pics?? I lUV your new look...cute!
ooh are you adding new S.boy pics? because i saw a new folder labeled "bath time" but with no pics in it! hmmm...
well i got a new hair cut to day from my freind dan who had kick ass hair. I onriganly when to get my sister a hair cut, but me and dan had talked about doing mine and i said what the fuck. so i sat down and we started with the normal trent reznor downward spiral style cut but neer the ead i say...
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I am indeed, i'm glad you like them...lol
nice stes buy the way
nice stes buy the way
I'm definitely more interested in the stories of the XMen as told by Marvel Comics, rather than the movies. Even before actually reading any of the comics, I was aware of how much was changed to suit the chosen story of the movies, and so that story holds no interest for me.
well i'm as today done the new issue of team awesome. i haven't been sleeping much so it has been getting done queit fast, its like 8 or 9 pg's long witch is alot biger then well what we thought it would be. ummm lets see.. oh for all you lovers of over the top voilence there will be lost of hot ladies kicking ass...
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