well I put up some new pics, it guess it would be a S.boy style set of me and my guitar so if ya wanted to look ppl's who are reading this now ya know there there.
um what else my leg hurts, my dam crasy cat just attacted it, she is so nuts some times. so now there is blood comming out of my...
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um what else my leg hurts, my dam crasy cat just attacted it, she is so nuts some times. so now there is blood comming out of my...
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your life sounds pretty chill....got any art pics?? I lUV your new look...cute!
ooh are you adding new S.boy pics? because i saw a new folder labeled "bath time" but with no pics in it! hmmm...
guitar and nakedness
well i got a new hair cut to day from my freind dan who had kick ass hair. I onriganly when to get my sister a hair cut, but me and dan had talked about doing mine and i said what the fuck. so i sat down and we started with the normal trent reznor downward spiral style cut but neer the ead i say...
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I am indeed, i'm glad you like them...lol
nice stes buy the way
nice stes buy the way
I'm definitely more interested in the stories of the XMen as told by Marvel Comics, rather than the movies. Even before actually reading any of the comics, I was aware of how much was changed to suit the chosen story of the movies, and so that story holds no interest for me.
well i'm as today done the new issue of team awesome. i haven't been sleeping much so it has been getting done queit fast, its like 8 or 9 pg's long witch is alot biger then well what we thought it would be. ummm lets see.. oh for all you lovers of over the top voilence there will be lost of hot ladies kicking ass...
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nakedness & drawing team awesome
well lets see my first journal.
well I don't have much to say real i have been spending most of my time right now working on a comci i'm doing called team awesome. the idea of the comic is basicly just three girls who drink and are a super hero team kinda that get called to kick ass and take names. its really a side...
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well I don't have much to say real i have been spending most of my time right now working on a comci i'm doing called team awesome. the idea of the comic is basicly just three girls who drink and are a super hero team kinda that get called to kick ass and take names. its really a side...
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Look'n good
me with out clothing
well me