- on Best video game to movie adaptations in film club
- on What are you watching right at this second?! in Television
- on The Dudes that Adore us in plus sized women
- on My recent selfie in self-portraiture
- on C Cups in all boobs great and small
- on Blog Post #2: How Not to be a Creep on the Internet in brothers of the brush
When it was mutually decided I should leave my first post college job. It wasn't easy, and I did everything I was asked as part of my 'extended training'. In the end, it taught me a lesson about staying on top of myself and not trusting others too much.
This is easy, lol. At work a running joke for a bit was that I was Lord ZXXXX. So, it became my nom de guerre on the internet.
The one thing I wish I could change about myself would be my self image. I don't like how I look. I try to eat well, and I do - mostly. But I feel like when I have slip ups, they stick with me. I am active, but I feel like its not enough. I sometimes think about using those diet pills - hydroxycut and...
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New here to the SG site as a member, but I've been following them elsewhere for years. I find all women to be beautiful and love the variety of beauty that can be found here.