Do as Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law
Ok, time for something that resembles a real update. Thanks to a tip from the SG news, I found Veoh's movie database, so I'm now in the process of downloading a number of classic flicks, Nosferatu, Cabinet of Dr Caligari, Metropolis, and the original Little Shop of Horrors.
I want to start writing at least one of my term papers this weekend, but that might get put off until as late as Sunday. Friday night is Tara's birthday, so we're going out, and Saturday Derrick wanted to start the game in the afternoon, so most of the time I normally spend working will be taken up with other things. However, I have Thursday to get a good stretch of reading and note-taking in so that I can sit down to write without too much trouble. I also need to look up more articles for both papers and get started on preparing the lecture I have to give in my TA class. I have over a week to work on that, so it shouldn't be a problem. The topic is at least familiar.
Love is the Law, Love Under Will
Ok, time for something that resembles a real update. Thanks to a tip from the SG news, I found Veoh's movie database, so I'm now in the process of downloading a number of classic flicks, Nosferatu, Cabinet of Dr Caligari, Metropolis, and the original Little Shop of Horrors.
I want to start writing at least one of my term papers this weekend, but that might get put off until as late as Sunday. Friday night is Tara's birthday, so we're going out, and Saturday Derrick wanted to start the game in the afternoon, so most of the time I normally spend working will be taken up with other things. However, I have Thursday to get a good stretch of reading and note-taking in so that I can sit down to write without too much trouble. I also need to look up more articles for both papers and get started on preparing the lecture I have to give in my TA class. I have over a week to work on that, so it shouldn't be a problem. The topic is at least familiar.
Love is the Law, Love Under Will
And you gotta hook it up with the link for that.
I've been wanting to see Nosferatu for a while.