Once, again, it's been a while. I've been deeply mired in my dissertation. I have a standalone piece that I'm about to shop out for publication, and it looks like I'm going on the job market. I wasn't planning on fully going on the market this year. I thought I would try to find some positions where it would be ok that I'm still working...
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well, i do have a crochet hook that i can use for the loose hairs, but it's not the best thing as crochet hooks break hairs and they don't stay neat forever, the loose hairs will come back soon and ill just have to spend another couple hours on them again
Walt's Law:
As a discussion on intellectual property continues, the probability that someone will mention Mickey Mouse approaches 1
As a discussion on intellectual property continues, the probability that someone will mention Mickey Mouse approaches 1
Glad I'm not alone on that one.....you really are the disappearing man these days....come back, come back.
In the past, any item of houseware or appliance given to us by my family has either broken or proven inferior somehow. This has been a consistent pattern, so we stopped accepting those sorts of gifts after a while. Of course, when we got back to the city, we ended up accepting a few things to make our lives easier and because we figured it...
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The Demon is awesome and very funny.
Hi, how have you been?
The Mardi Gras report:
Living three blocks from the parade route gives one the opportunity to go to many parades. I've spent the last couple of weeks exercising said opportunity. I don't want to give a day-to-day breakdown, but I'll put down some highlights.
Friday, three parades were scheduled: Hermes, Krewe d'Etat, and Morpheus. Due to rain, Muses got tacked on at the end. I...
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Living three blocks from the parade route gives one the opportunity to go to many parades. I've spent the last couple of weeks exercising said opportunity. I don't want to give a day-to-day breakdown, but I'll put down some highlights.
Friday, three parades were scheduled: Hermes, Krewe d'Etat, and Morpheus. Due to rain, Muses got tacked on at the end. I...
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ahaha the reason i know sarah is because SHE is the exboyfriend's boring new girlfriend. she's standing with nick, my ex.
Today I finished the syllabi for both of my classes. They're ready to copy and put online. Now, I just have to prepare material for the first week, but I've still got time for that. I'm looking forward to rereading Varieties of Religious Experience by William James. I last read it for a paper two years ago, so some of the high points have faded....
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Classes will be starting again, so I spent some time working on the syllabus for one of my classes. In the course of this, I learned that I don't really get a spring break. Tulane breaks the week before Dillard does, resulting in little more than a couple of long weekends. I think this sucks, but I guess it's not too big of a deal....
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Yesterday, I handed in the grades for my Buddhism class, so I am officially done with this semester. woot.
Our apartment's people:computer ratio has increased to 2:5. Two desktops, two laptops, and one box inherited from my mother. I decided to turn the new box into a home theatre pc. Here's the details:
Dell Dimension Something or Other
2.80 GHz processor
512 mb RAM
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Our apartment's people:computer ratio has increased to 2:5. Two desktops, two laptops, and one box inherited from my mother. I decided to turn the new box into a home theatre pc. Here's the details:
Dell Dimension Something or Other
2.80 GHz processor
512 mb RAM
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Thanks for all of your support over the last week. It's been hard, but it's getting better. The funeral was fine until the preacher decided to capitalize on my mother's death to proselytize. I haven't heard anything that bad since Jeremy's funeral. At least it's done now.
Stuff for my classes is coming together, which is good. I finished grading for logic, so now there's...
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Stuff for my classes is coming together, which is good. I finished grading for logic, so now there's...
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Sorry to hear about the bad news.
Hey I have two groups -- FreeNix and Eastern Religion.
Would you be interested in taking over one of them?
Sorry to hear about the bad news.
Hey I have two groups -- FreeNix and Eastern Religion.
Would you be interested in taking over one of them?
So, today I had to go identify my mother's body. My grandparents initially wanted me to go in alone because they didn't think they could handle it. However, at the last minute, my grandmother thought she would regret it more if she didn't see Theresa to say good-bye one more time. Really, seeing her wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. She looked...
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I just want to make this quick, to let people know. Thursday nightt, around 1:00 am, my mother died. We had had our differences in the past, but had patched things up over the last couple of years, so I don't hold any regrets in that regard. However, it is the most profound expression of the momentary nature of existence, on several levels really. I...
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Namaste babe. I am so very sorry for your loss...my thoughts are with you and your family. Please give my love to Tara as well...
Remember the other day when I said I themed my laptop to a more Mac-like look and added a dock program? Well, this experience has taught me that I don't like the whole dock thing. I used avant-window-navigator on my desktop and now on my laptop as well, and it just doesn't do things the way i want to do them. The simple panels work...
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Thanks it's good to be back.
Looks like things have gone well for you of late.
Looks like things have gone well for you of late.

End of the semester update. Both of my classes are winding down, so I'm at the point where I don't have much to do other than wait for the last assignments to come in. That starts tomorrow with my logic class's final exams. I get the same from my Buddhism class on Friday, then I think i have two weeks before their papers are due....
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