I'm bored!

The Sword is great listening though...
Actuallly, it is fucking great!
A Moment of Truth

A new non-political international movement is rising.

4000 terror attacks after 9/11, the world was still slumbering. But 12 innocent satirical drawings in a Danish newspaper, the kind of cartoons printed daily by the thousands in newspapers all over the world, have changed the geopolitical situation.

Suddenly, a new understanding is emerging across political differences.

In recent years, the world crisis...
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Yeah... silly people... it's not ok to make a drawing of "the great prophet" Mohammed, but it's totally ok to name pastry after him; due to the recent "crimes" of Denmark, "danish", the traditional pastry, is now called "Mohammed roses"... fuckin' ey...

Yeah... it sucks... I was looking forward to seeing them... frown
There is something serious wrong with the world when someone want to kill you because of a cartoon.
I think the world would be a much better place without the Islamic religion.

mad mad mad

Dear muslims,

If you do not like my country, please leave.
If you do not like the way our women dress, please leave.
If you do not like our separation of politics and...
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Two weeks in the new year, and I have come to the conclusion that this year will be great. I have lost some weight, looking good. The ladies are swarming like a bees to honey.
I have promised myself to update the journal more often and pay visit to my friends here.

Right now it is snowing, it's cold and dark. But, hey! Spring is...
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...no non me lo hanno mai detto, io lo prendo come un gran complimento, ma maaaagari ci assomigliassi davvero! tongue

Anch'io aspetto impazientemente la primavera... wink

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an
animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that
pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of
our special friends so they can run and play together. There is
plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and

All the animals...
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Been visiting rainbowsbridge.com? Nice poemsmile
Godt nyttr forresten (og god jul p etterskudd)
How lonely you are waiting at the sunday park
I'll elude you, I will lose you
Existing were no soul apart

You stand on a platform
Your effigy dissolves in my hands

When I feel like someone to lie on
And I feel like someone to rely on

You can't wake up

Illusions born of the air
Something seems so precious there

I'll elude you,...
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more or less the way I feel now... miss a lot...
Suicide is painless!

That's the theme song from MASH. Everytime I hear this song, I want to cry and laugh at the same time. There is something mystical with this song and the tv-serie. I just bought the first five season and loving all of it.
Somehow it touch my feelings at some level I never experience in other ways.
Maybe I need a girlfriend!...
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yeah... I've heard "Kunst med puls" is pretty good, seen some of their work
Lovely music for lovely people:

The Arcade Fire and Sleater-Kinney!
Shit! I'm drunk.... and there is a naked girl in my bed!
Life is good!!!
Back at work again. No more music for a while. Need to earn some money...
It's been a fun festival summer, but everything have an ending. To bad, but's that's life!

Actually, my day work is'nt that half bad.
just got it today.

guess i have alot of listening to do! some of the stuff on the mp3's i have heard and own, but 90% of the bands i never heard.

thanks again!!!
The summer's too short! At least there's ya, Sonic Youth tomorrow!!!