I dont think there's anything better, at this point, than hanging on the deck with my best buddy, a good book, and a cold beer.
There's two other pups running around the yard, but they won't stand still long enough for me to get a picture.
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so this happened yesterday
I'm scared to get close
I hate being alone
I long for that feeling to not feel at all
The higher I get
The lower I sink
I can't drown my demons
They know how to swim
Sometimes I want to yell AVENGERS ASSEMBLE just to see who stands up.
Here's the story of how my brain is actively sabotaging my life. I went out on Saturday night for my birthday with a bunch of my friends. Started at a bar where we know most of the bartenders, so fun times had. After we leave that place we head out to meet up with more people.
We get to this second bar around 11pm and...
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So tonight started off completely normal. I got out of work, went home, watched TV for a minute and now I'm drunk as hel with my sister her boyfriend and my cousin. This evening really got away from me with a quickness.
Every shelf is double packed and that's not even all of my books.