Why is it news that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anistons divorce will be final soon?
No really why? Do you care? Should I care? I don't.
I wouldn't care if they were gathered up by extraterrestrials and anally probed for all eternity.
Well the alien bit would be cool, but that's it. Probe away.
Count how many times you hear about it today.
I'm going to step into the lab and whip something up to hasten the apocalypse. Clearly we have reached a zenith of all human endeavour!
There are a numerous people that need to be bitch slapped. Slap the stooopid out of them.
Slap them like they owe you money for fucking some un-named relative.
Thanks for your cooperation. Back to your regular channel.
No really why? Do you care? Should I care? I don't.
Well the alien bit would be cool, but that's it. Probe away.
Count how many times you hear about it today.
I'm going to step into the lab and whip something up to hasten the apocalypse. Clearly we have reached a zenith of all human endeavour!
There are a numerous people that need to be bitch slapped. Slap the stooopid out of them.
Thanks for your cooperation. Back to your regular channel.
Maybe something worthwhile again...