This 56 k modem is killing me.Looking for adderses and contact info takes forever. I have a pile of firms to send stuff to some where in the neighborhood of 80 to 100. This is going to be expensive to mail CVs and examples of work.
In the past few months I have gotten fat. From a 6pack to adding 2 pants sizes. That is realy depressing. I cant wait to get back to the gym. I feel so much better goung to the gym every day, it is missed.
The neighbour told me the other day that Henry Lee Lucas and Otis Tool, the serial killers, used to live up the road, in the Bloom Hotel in Belton. Sounds about right to me. There is a carmic funk surrounding that place
In the past few months I have gotten fat. From a 6pack to adding 2 pants sizes. That is realy depressing. I cant wait to get back to the gym. I feel so much better goung to the gym every day, it is missed.
The neighbour told me the other day that Henry Lee Lucas and Otis Tool, the serial killers, used to live up the road, in the Bloom Hotel in Belton. Sounds about right to me. There is a carmic funk surrounding that place
i'm just in the mood to get high lately.
good so far. i've moved from receptionist to assistant manager in 3 weeks.