I met with one of the principals at the new firm. He made me an offer.
Homey got a big raise today Yep the new job come with a big, gi-gundo raise. The raise alone is more than I made in the last 6 months. Te he Te he.
Mucho benifitos
Is spelling the words "I QUIT" in poop on my current bosses desk too much?
Just a thought.
Homey got a big raise today Yep the new job come with a big, gi-gundo raise. The raise alone is more than I made in the last 6 months. Te he Te he.
Mucho benifitos
Is spelling the words "I QUIT" in poop on my current bosses desk too much?
Just a thought.
Coachella looks to have a couple of bands I wouldn't mind seeing, 'cept it's out there in Cali and Sunday's already sold out. I'll just hold out until they come back through for the big show later this year. At least then all the big, pretty lights and shit will be there too and I'll have had more than one or two chances to have heard the new album. Greater tradgedies have transpired in my life, LOL!