Title: Too Lazy For a Real Title
My weekend in a nutshell:
-Friday: Had to work. My roommate planned a 24 hour Heroes Unlimited game, and I wanted to join in. When I last left to visit my folks, I told Raven specifically to try and plan it during a day when I have the day off, emphasizing that I wanted to join in.
So what does he do? He screws it up of course!
While I was on vacation, Raven and the other players planned it on a day where I work, citing the excuse that on my day off, it was one of the player's brithdays. And worse yet, I had no say in it all, argue as I might.
What a coup d'etat!
So they plan the game on friday, knowing full well I work. Then the group insists that after I get off work, I join them in the game, knowing full well I would be exhausted and I would want sleep badly. I refused to play with them, citing my reasons, and instead of letting it go, Raven argued about the whole damn thing for an entire hour!!!!!!!
And he wonders why he gets so little respect. He can push way too hard sometimes.
Saturday: I woke up... and went to our usual D&D game. Took insanely long, due to the fact that Raven's RPG games are rather slow to progress. Impossibly hard puzzles. Somebody always wants to make a new character.. And Raven always insists on minute description.
An unproductive day. But did manage to get a shelving unit to hold all of Raven's anime.
But I did get a call from General_Shadow, another friend of mine. He asked that I join his family for easter dinner. I accepted.
Sunday: I had a decent sleep... for a change. But I missed church. I was exhausted.
After I woke up, I built the shelving unit. Raven thought Cherry wood looked better than Oak. I had to insist that he didn't know squat about colours and taste. I finally made him get the oak one. When I got back home today, Raven finally admitted, for the first time, that I was right. YES! But gawd, it's like pulling teeth!
I went to General_Shadow's place. We watched a few movies and enjoyed a great dinner. I was happy that day. I stayed overnight.
Monday: Went back home. Watched TV all day. My back felt like a twisted pretzel because of Shadow's couch, and I had the mother of all headaches. Worse yet, I have to put up with the RPG group as we have our weekly Heroes Unlimited game.
My weekend in a nutshell:
-Friday: Had to work. My roommate planned a 24 hour Heroes Unlimited game, and I wanted to join in. When I last left to visit my folks, I told Raven specifically to try and plan it during a day when I have the day off, emphasizing that I wanted to join in.
So what does he do? He screws it up of course!
While I was on vacation, Raven and the other players planned it on a day where I work, citing the excuse that on my day off, it was one of the player's brithdays. And worse yet, I had no say in it all, argue as I might.
What a coup d'etat!
So they plan the game on friday, knowing full well I work. Then the group insists that after I get off work, I join them in the game, knowing full well I would be exhausted and I would want sleep badly. I refused to play with them, citing my reasons, and instead of letting it go, Raven argued about the whole damn thing for an entire hour!!!!!!!
And he wonders why he gets so little respect. He can push way too hard sometimes.
Saturday: I woke up... and went to our usual D&D game. Took insanely long, due to the fact that Raven's RPG games are rather slow to progress. Impossibly hard puzzles. Somebody always wants to make a new character.. And Raven always insists on minute description.
An unproductive day. But did manage to get a shelving unit to hold all of Raven's anime.
But I did get a call from General_Shadow, another friend of mine. He asked that I join his family for easter dinner. I accepted.
Sunday: I had a decent sleep... for a change. But I missed church. I was exhausted.
After I woke up, I built the shelving unit. Raven thought Cherry wood looked better than Oak. I had to insist that he didn't know squat about colours and taste. I finally made him get the oak one. When I got back home today, Raven finally admitted, for the first time, that I was right. YES! But gawd, it's like pulling teeth!
I went to General_Shadow's place. We watched a few movies and enjoyed a great dinner. I was happy that day. I stayed overnight.
Monday: Went back home. Watched TV all day. My back felt like a twisted pretzel because of Shadow's couch, and I had the mother of all headaches. Worse yet, I have to put up with the RPG group as we have our weekly Heroes Unlimited game.
No hype at all man...didnt you ever listen to them in the 80's? or 90's? They are sooo good....*starts to sing...I was all dressed in black, she was all dressed up in black...BLACK* Soooo good!!