Title: First Contact With an Alien Species
I finally did it. I made message contact with an SG'er from Calgary.
Besides Aya, but she's in Edmonton now.
I did talk to Leningrad before on the groups, but it was mostly 'shop talk' about RPG's and stuff. My first introduction on SG with a SG member was with the wonderful and ultra cool Malloreigh.
She thinks D&D is gross, but I can't fault that. Personal preferences and all. I wonder what she thinks when I tell her i'm a Star Trek geek too.
(pictures Malloreigh running away in stark terror)
Maybe I won't tell her.
I hope to meet some SG'ers from Calgary soon, but for now I just introduced myself Not sure if I should make more contact or not. They are a rather 'interesting' bunch, and even the other SG'ers agree that they are 'unique' among our unique brand of humanity. But then again, i'm a bit 'unique' myself. *L*
So if you Calgary SG members are reading, give me a shout. I'll let you know when i'm free.
Meanwhile... now what? I'm going to nap again. Later.
I finally did it. I made message contact with an SG'er from Calgary.
Besides Aya, but she's in Edmonton now.
I did talk to Leningrad before on the groups, but it was mostly 'shop talk' about RPG's and stuff. My first introduction on SG with a SG member was with the wonderful and ultra cool Malloreigh.
She thinks D&D is gross, but I can't fault that. Personal preferences and all. I wonder what she thinks when I tell her i'm a Star Trek geek too.
(pictures Malloreigh running away in stark terror)
Maybe I won't tell her.
I hope to meet some SG'ers from Calgary soon, but for now I just introduced myself Not sure if I should make more contact or not. They are a rather 'interesting' bunch, and even the other SG'ers agree that they are 'unique' among our unique brand of humanity. But then again, i'm a bit 'unique' myself. *L*
So if you Calgary SG members are reading, give me a shout. I'll let you know when i'm free.
Meanwhile... now what? I'm going to nap again. Later.
TREKKIE! digusting! what the hell is wrong with people today! star trek is NOTHING! i'm so disappointed in you. so very disappointed. star trek is so lame. i mean, look at star wars. not only is it one of the greatest fairy tales of our time, but it's also full of action and drama. there is nothing cooler than star wars, i tell you! nothing. and then you take star trek, which is basically about engaging in contact with hot humanoid alien females.
obviously, you can tell that we from calgary are VERY NORMAL. (actually, i don't even know if i'm counted in that group, i'm too new.)
p.s. while d&d is gross, i'm going to make someone teach me how to play it so i can say even more horrible things about it.