I've blown the dust off this site.
Re-engaged my keyboard.
Established communications once again.
I'm back.
It's been a long month, this January. I must admit, it has been mixed up beyond belief. My new roommate, Raven (real name hidden to protect his right to privacy) has noted that his luck has changed for the better since I came along. For some reason, I am working as if I am a lightning rod of random chance, constantly being struck with a grab bag of fortune and misfortune.
Case in point:
-Roommate's been getting more job offers than I am (and he isn't even a college grad!).
-Calgary was hit by a nasty cold snap (-55 degrees C with windchill!)
-Haven seen my prat of a boss in a few months.
-More malfunctions of machinery at work.
That's just a taste, and that's just the minor crap. But the most messed up has yet to happen. Read on.
A few days ago, a new security drone came by at the mall I work in. She's a... she. And you wonder, 'so?' Here's the kicker.
She's interesting.
She's kind.
She engages me in conversation, even to the point of flirting subtlely with me.
And for the first time in a couple of years, i'm seriously interested in a girl. F**k me, what the hell am I supposed to do now? I'm ill equipped to deal with such a threat. But do I want it gone? Or is it worthwhile to go deeper and see what happens? Talk about messed up! Most heterosexual guys would think 'heck yeah, go in there big guy!'. But this is me we're talking about. Everytime I encounter a female, it bites me on the ass... hard.
I'll be patient and do what I can while keeping an eye out for the traps. And if possible, capitalize on being a gentleman. Which I did on saturday morning. Cold as hell outside, and she needed to go inside. I was about to let her in, but she waved me off, since technically a lowly janitor isn't allowed to open the mall doors for anyone, even a security guard that knows you work there. So she rang the doorbell, and waited for the guard on duty to let her in.
Knowing the snail like pace of the security drones in our mall, I radioed the guard on duty to get over to the entrance and let his replacement in.
Not only did she get inside five minutes earlier than expected and not freeze in the -30 degree C weather, but she thanked me for radioing the other guard.
*blush* Awwww shucks. I would do that for anyone. It just made me look good in front of a girl whom I wanted to look good in front of. That's all.
By the way, that's not all. I noticed that January is screwed up not in my personal life, but in every aspect of society. Already, I'm hearing the promises of YET ANOTHER tech resurgence (we get plenty of those false starts), a rising loonie, job growth....
Like i'm going to buy that! I heard that plenty last year.
Pop culture wise, we're already getting one screwed up year. We may finally see a change in music. The death of Nu-metal (yet again), a new style of rock, the slaying of the Bennifer entity, etc.
What can I say? I went into 2004 with very few expectations of improvement. I thought it would be a rather boring year. But who knows. Maybe it will be better?
Re-engaged my keyboard.
Established communications once again.
I'm back.
It's been a long month, this January. I must admit, it has been mixed up beyond belief. My new roommate, Raven (real name hidden to protect his right to privacy) has noted that his luck has changed for the better since I came along. For some reason, I am working as if I am a lightning rod of random chance, constantly being struck with a grab bag of fortune and misfortune.
Case in point:
-Roommate's been getting more job offers than I am (and he isn't even a college grad!).
-Calgary was hit by a nasty cold snap (-55 degrees C with windchill!)
-Haven seen my prat of a boss in a few months.
-More malfunctions of machinery at work.
That's just a taste, and that's just the minor crap. But the most messed up has yet to happen. Read on.
A few days ago, a new security drone came by at the mall I work in. She's a... she. And you wonder, 'so?' Here's the kicker.
She's interesting.
She's kind.
She engages me in conversation, even to the point of flirting subtlely with me.
And for the first time in a couple of years, i'm seriously interested in a girl. F**k me, what the hell am I supposed to do now? I'm ill equipped to deal with such a threat. But do I want it gone? Or is it worthwhile to go deeper and see what happens? Talk about messed up! Most heterosexual guys would think 'heck yeah, go in there big guy!'. But this is me we're talking about. Everytime I encounter a female, it bites me on the ass... hard.
I'll be patient and do what I can while keeping an eye out for the traps. And if possible, capitalize on being a gentleman. Which I did on saturday morning. Cold as hell outside, and she needed to go inside. I was about to let her in, but she waved me off, since technically a lowly janitor isn't allowed to open the mall doors for anyone, even a security guard that knows you work there. So she rang the doorbell, and waited for the guard on duty to let her in.
Knowing the snail like pace of the security drones in our mall, I radioed the guard on duty to get over to the entrance and let his replacement in.
Not only did she get inside five minutes earlier than expected and not freeze in the -30 degree C weather, but she thanked me for radioing the other guard.
*blush* Awwww shucks. I would do that for anyone. It just made me look good in front of a girl whom I wanted to look good in front of. That's all.
By the way, that's not all. I noticed that January is screwed up not in my personal life, but in every aspect of society. Already, I'm hearing the promises of YET ANOTHER tech resurgence (we get plenty of those false starts), a rising loonie, job growth....
Like i'm going to buy that! I heard that plenty last year.
Pop culture wise, we're already getting one screwed up year. We may finally see a change in music. The death of Nu-metal (yet again), a new style of rock, the slaying of the Bennifer entity, etc.
What can I say? I went into 2004 with very few expectations of improvement. I thought it would be a rather boring year. But who knows. Maybe it will be better?