Title: Cheap Luck, and Cheap Tricks for Sleeping

I feel surprisingly refreshed, though I have fitfully forced three hours of sleep into me during the last 24 hours. I hear it takes a few days before total exhaustion takes over, and one sleeps like the dead. I can't wait. Sounds peaceful.

Weirdest thing happened. Raven, the roommate I mention so often, noted once before that...
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Title: Can't sleep. Clown Will Eat Me...

I cannot sleep for the life of me. I revised my resume. Couldn't sleep. Played some Red Alert 2 (and still stuck on that level). Couldn't sleep. Stared at the ceiling while I plotted the storyline for my epic. Couldn't sleep.

Help? Any suggestions. I'm open to them.

But anyways, my roommate Raven and I played a game...
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vulcan greetings to ya. nice to see you are back. loving that 5 minute poetry thread you started. if i may offer the best thing to do is write regularly, say 1500 words a day everyday, write about anything and everything. maybe you know "dat" already. you are spot on with the job to make ends meet. being a janitor means you get to do a lot of people watching in the 3d? i never lived up to my fathers expectations, in the end i told him to go fuck it. not that iam advising you do the same, all situ are different. but yeah, fuck the 9-5, fuck working for the beast, work for yourself, in time success will come. jt leroy started out sucking cock for a living, and look where he is now. (sucking cock for a living) ho ho what a wag i am. seriously though go for it dude. no regrets smile
Yeah, but I bet you don't owe your folks money for college. *LOL*

Thanks for the tip.

More to come on the way.
Title: Is it me, or is it just you?

I had a decent sleep last night. I was woken by the excited chatter between Raven and Padawan, the token 12 year old in my old RPG group and unofficial apprentice to my roommate. He's a good kid, bright, and knows the force well. He'll make a fine RPG Jedi someday.

I would love an apprentice...
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Beating up drunks when on duty for work is bad.
Enough said.
Man, this week has a theme. I think i'll call it 'my head is screwed up'.

Grooverider made an excellent point. What kind of Christian am I? Not a good one, more of a worldly one. That's a term used by Christians to describe a person whom is not shaped by his or her religious beliefs, but more on the influences his or her world...
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My day off. Can't sleep. Played Red Alert 2 against my friend Raven. I kicked his ass thoroughly. He blames his computer. I blame the fact that his harvesters kept hitting my tank patrols. *L*

Shoulder's sore from scrubbing tile last night. Look forward to some more tonight. BLEH! Who was the idiot manager that thought putting unpolished tiles in a mall was a good...
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what kind of christian are you? (no sarcasm- genuinely curious)
Learning. Trust me, it's hard.
I've blown the dust off this site.

Re-engaged my keyboard.

Established communications once again.

I'm back.

It's been a long month, this January. I must admit, it has been mixed up beyond belief. My new roommate, Raven (real name hidden to protect his right to privacy) has noted that his luck has changed for the better since I came along. For some reason, I am...
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Happy New Year everyone!

Yes, it looks like i'm going to squeeze another bit of SG goodness out of my account before it shuts down.

Operation Cookie Jar was a resounding success. I downloaded a total of 15+gigs worth of new material. I officially used enough bandwidth to qualify as a small business. HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Operation Hootenany went somewhat ok. I was catching a cold, however....
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so you are canceling you SG account?

awww shucks!!! confused
This is my last entry for awhile. I explained it before, but for those not in the know, i'm moving and i'm going to be without internet access for awhile.

However, I will be back in some way, shape or form.

Operation Cookie Jar is going well. I got some defunct movies I can't get anywhere else. I can't wait to bust out Equilibrium with...
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I think it will be a good week this week. This is what I have on my agenda:

-LARPing with Aya (I know, LARP is supposed to be the bane of all pnp RPG'ers, but I'm willing to give it a try).

-Getting ready for the move to my friend's place.

-Starting the first part of my 'ESPY' series spy/psionics/psychics stories.

-The next poem, "The...
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50gb sounds like an awful fucking lot of dl/ul to this 56k modem bugga... dl/ul i can for now only dream about. forever behind the uk does have broadband area's for residential use but the speeds aren't that hot and realtively exspensive if you want to bust it at 10mb/sec. (even though ya won't get 10mb/sec dl, more like 500kb i understand...does that make sense) still 500kb a sec x 60 = whateva kinda makes 50gb not such a hard target if ya have stuff to share. excuse while i meander about talking out loud.
anyways keep it rocking smile
I am glad to hear that the US has sent aide workers to Iran. It is good to see a nation set aside its concerns and worries about another for the sake of compassion.

I was going to tell you guys about how I was... unique in high school. How about I sum it up with a story? Just be patient, it'll sum up everything...
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I used to dig Korn, back in the day.
Went to see them at the Saddledome too.
I was at the very front on the floor (it took quite a bit of manpower on the parts of the accompanying males to keep me from being squashed) and got a powerman 300 guitar pick, along with a boot to the head with a steel toe boot, dehydration, exhaustion, and a fun trip on a wheely stretcher thing to the first aid station.

After that, I didn't like Korn so much.

I'm a big Linkin Park fan though. smile
Wow... a Powerman 3000 guitar pick?

You are my heeeerrrroooooo

But the boot to the head? Ouch! If I was there, I would have ripped the inconsiderate bastard a new one.

[Edited on Dec 29, 2003 11:44AM]

I'm in a better mood now. Not sure what got over me the last journal entry. My... was I miserable.

I shouldn't be sad at the world, I should be pissed off at it. Negative or not, you need energy to do anything. My last entry was not energy.

What surprises me is that the two responses showed absolute concern. Maybe I should confess...
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I'm bored this holiday season. My job still sucks, but i'm not as hung up about it as usual, since Christmas is coming, and i'm getting paid today.

My boss went to Germany. He can barely afford to fix our equipment, yet he can buy vehicles that are worth more than my soul can cash in at the Devil's Depot, own a nice home in...
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The secrets about yourself are yours and the only gaurenteed thing you ever own, They are treasures who's value is based on their rareity. Care not to let out to much and diminish their value.


Travis bok
At least you have some verifiable proof of the existance of miracles to all nay-sayers in the world...

I won't feed you the unique as a diamond bullshit though. I can tell you this - there isn't any one person in this world who didn't feel the same isolation in high school. Problem is everyone is too wrapped up in their own problems that they don't notice how wrapped up everyone else is in theirs.

Merry Christmas darlin'. kiss