Went and saw 'Deadpool' a coupla times over the past couple weeks. If you have even the smallest interest in seeing it I highly recommend going. Hell even if you have NO interest I recommend going to see it, it's just that frakin' good of a movie!
So the second time I went and saw it as the flick started a woman sat down next to me. I didn't pay her much attention. As everyone who's seen it knows the movie starts off going 100 miles a minute with a blood and gore filled car chase. Then WHAMO there's a graphic sex scene. As soon as that started there was commotion to the right of me where this woman was sitting. At first I thought one of the two people she was with was on their phone but then I realized that the woman was having a muffled argument with the two preteens she'd brought along. Suffice to say they all got up and left.
I find it sadly amusing that she had no problem with all the blood, guts, gore, decapitations, GSWs and a whole thesaurus of profanity.....but throw in some boobs and sex, now THAT is just unacceptable!
Question: as a parent/guardian/babysitter what do you find more acceptable to show kids: violence or sex?
Growing up in our household I was weened on both violent movies and shows as well as sexual ones. Hell the first bush I recall seeing was from 'Emmanuelle' lol. As far as the violence I was taught that a) it's all make believe and b) don't repeat said violence in real life.
I know with my own son who just turned five he's been watching violent shows and movies for years. Name a modern cartoon series and I betcha there's violence galore in it. Same with kidsy Disney movies. But I also stress to him that a) it's all make believe and b) don't repeat said violence in real life. As for sex/sexuality I think we can all agree media nowadays is far more "racier" then it was years 'n decades ago. I don't recall us watching anything that had actual sex scenes in it but if it did and if he had questions I'd freely answer them. I already know that aspect of things is an uphill battle because the males in my family are particularly randy lol.
If anything the aspect I try to avoid is profanity just because he can be quite the parrot. I remember a coupla years ago when he dropped something and blurted out "fuck!" I was both shocked and mildly impressed because he acutally used it in the correct context ie he did something that pissed him off lol. Luckily when he was that young you just gloss over it and they stop using that kinda language. He DID actually say it the other night so I had to stress to him not to use that word again.
Ok hopefully this insomnia will kick soon since this was bouncing around me noggin'.....